Chapter 10

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"Please tell me you are not breaking into fathers most private office," I scolded both of them.

"Well, no not really," Thor started too make up excuses.

"Yes, that is exactly what we are doing," Loki concluded.

"And without me, honestly you forgot which sibling won at hide and seek every time, where did you think I was hiding," I pushed them both out of the way.

"Seriously, this is where you hid," Loki sounded surprised.

"Yep," I replied having now taken a pin from my hair.

Hearing a clink from the lock I pushed the door open as we all hurried in quickly closing the door behind.

"What exactly are we doing here," I asked.

"Looking for any clues to why Calder and Ferguson did what they did and why they both said the same thing before they died," Loki informed me.

"Really, that happened like 6 years ago why now all of a sudden are you interested in this," I questioned as my finger ran across the ageing books stacked in their masses.

"We have been busy, but have always been working on this on the side," Thor answered now rummaging in fathers desk.

"And why am I now just finding out about this."

"You were to young and do not try to argue that you were not," Loki spoke into the book he was currently flicking through.

Knowing they were right I carried on flipping through the aging books sorting through them to find anything of interest.

"I found something," I shouted as I pulled out a book caked with at least 5 centuries of dust.

"Are you sure you will find anything in that," Loki questioned as he skim read the cover.

"I don't know you two look for anything else that may help I will read through this, but hurry as I am sure our presence in here won't go unnoticed for long."

Loki and Thor just nodded in response as they went to look through other books. I knelt down on the floor my dress creating a perfect circle around me.

I then opened the old leather cover gently and started flicking through the aging pages, it was mostly about old clans and myths what they believed in, alliances, some of the clans still existed which is why I believed that these stories were at least slightly true.

"Hey Loki what do you know about titans," I looked up to see my brother stood at the other side off the room flicking through pages of another book.

"Not much except they envy people .. God's like us and the power that we naturally have, they like to see themselves as God's however they are not and they know that which is why they use other methods of getting power like we have," Loki responded still reading the book he found.

"Why do you ask?"

"No reason," I replied as I flicked the page.

"Wait look at this," I shouted, Loki slammed his book shut and chucked it onto father's desk as he briskly walked over and bent down to where I was sitting Thor quickly followed.

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