Chapter 20

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Friend or foe


I ran back into the maze of flying axes, blood and crys full of anguish. Thor sat helplessly trapped in amongst the debris from my explosion yesterday, Loki lay by his side slowly regaining consciousness struggling in the handcuffs.

I flung my sword in every direction cutting my way through, blasting the soldier's out of my way until I could finally reach my brothers.

"Thor, Loki!" I yelled out of breath running to their sides.

My eyes quickly flicked between them and the surroundings looking for anything to help them. "Hold still," I told Loki as I prepared to yet again free him from his bounds.

"I would not do that if I were you little one," a cold harsh voice spat, I felt the end of a cool silver point pressing on my neck "Now everyone stand down."

I heard the entire army drop their weapons and calm their cries. I felt all eyes on me as I sat knelt in front of my petrified looking brothers both unable to speak. The blade pressed even further into my neck, as I felt the slow warm trickle of blood run down my back.

"Now stand and face me unless you want them to slice their necks," a corse voice spoke, two large warriors placed giant daggers to Thor and Loki's throats.

As I was told I rose slowly turning round cautiously to be faced with my enemy "Dolan," I murmured to myself.

"Yes dear, now your little escape was quite inconvenient for me, but at least you came back and now I have even more of you." he glanced behind me.

"Give me one good reason why I should not blow this entire camp up," I spoke daring to take a step closer.

"Because you would risk killing those big brothers of yours or if they are not enough of a persuasion trust me I get how irritating siblings can be, how about him," Dolan smirked as his arm moved to reveal Riden slowly walking forward.

His head hung low eyes unable to meet mine, his gash from the other day has reopened and looked sore. I could feel the stress in me boil up knowing that I would be fully responsible for our safe escape. My mind would tick back to any life lecture my father gave or magic lesson with mother in a desperate attempt to source a plan, but mainly for my own comfort against this alarming situation.

"What do you want with me?"

"Truthfully I want nothing to do with you," Dolan found this far to amusing for my liking.

"It is not I who wants you, but that monster I was on about has taken quite the interest in your powers."

"And what of my brothers," I heard my brothers muffled screams from behind.

"They have their own destinies, destinies we can alter," his eyes wavered between mine and the two behind me as his grip on the impending sword tightened.

"Really that is all your going to say just cryptic little messages, because I know your covering for someone and if your dead then I can go and talk straight to the big man in charge not his useless little bitch," I pinched the end of the silver blade moving it an inch from my neck.

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