Chapter 22

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A searing pain pitched my head as I opened my eyes, the darkness was imploding. The only noise was a continuous ringing in my ear, I felt crushed numerous rocks were rammed on me, some piercing the skin leaving a stinging pain.

I tried moving my hand to escape, but it was no use, I didn't know which way up or down was, any move I made could cause even a tiny stone to be dislodged and I could be crushed.

Great, I'm stuck in an impossible situation again the most shit birthday ever. Settling in for a wait I closed my eyes and dozed of to a land of imagination and the unpredictable.

My eyes fit open at the sound of mumbling, well more like arguing "hello," my weak voice croaked out.

"She's here quick."
"No don't do that do you want to crush her."
"You bastered now even more rocks are coming down."

A beam of light shone though a tiny crack, I raised my fingers up to try push the remaining rock out of the way.

"Don't move or else the whole place will collapse."

Fine by me I thought, I waited for what seemed like forever, slowly but surely more and more light shone through as did my hope.

As soon as the large bolder covering me was lifted slightly a pair of comforting arms scooped me up. I looked up to see my raven haired brother holding me close as he stood up walking away from the disaster sight. After large thod of the bolder colliding with the floor again Thor soon followed.

I drifted in and out of consciousness at one point they must have switched who carried me, but I remember falling deeply asleep in Thor's arms. Thank the Lord they had god strength.


The soft patter of water and sweet bird melodies brought me back to reality. I lay against soft dewy grass while my head was rested on some green material and I was covered in a large red blanket. As soon as I sat up my head went into a mess of dizziness trying to understand my surroundings.

"Your awake finally!" a deep voice spoke, "You know I carried you most of the way."

Thor came over and sat beside me offering a flask which I gratefully took. He pulled (what I now realised was his cape) round my shoulders more shielding me from the cold.

"Loki went to get some herbs for that head of yours, but for now I am playing nurse." he smiled finishing the contents of the flask.

"How the tables have turned," I chuckled away the pain "how's the scar coming along."

Thor unclipped his left arm protection showing a must smaller scar.

"Well, that is not impressive."

"Well, this one will be," he pointed to the gash wound on my cheek, I went to touch it, but instead of mind numbing pain it was already healing and fully scabbed over.

Thor must have noticed my confusion, "Loki healed most of them, but he said they will take time and as gone to get some herbs indigenous to these forests for the pain before we head back home."


"Fathers going to kill me when he finds out or he already knows and is planning my punishment now."

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