Chapter 12

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Rebellious siblings


"So we have found out everything let's run through what we know," Thor took charge as we sat in a sort of circle on the muddy forest floor gathering together the random pieces of paper we had acquired earlier.

"Well, in these letters are messages many of them coded, they were received from Jotunheim, Vanaheim mainly. Sent to and through around the times before and during the civil war there and there are regular messages coming right from the Asgardian council," Loki sighed as he placed his papers in the centre of their circle.

"So like from Ferguson and Calder?" I quietly asked.

I had never gotten over my first and only kill it so happened to be a guy that tried to kidnap me twice, but it still hurt when I watched him take his last breath at the hands of me and Calder well I barely remember him.

"Unfortunately yes, I fear we have more traitors among us," Loki sighed placing both his hands behind him as he rested his weight backwards on them, his helmet lay by the log we had sat on before.

"Well, all I got was notes and a few cryptic maps to the locations of other camps I believe there are many in other realms too," Thor chucked his info into the middle as both there eyes stared at me.

"Well those handcuff I found were made of francium which is a metal that restricts magic and any powers we may posses," I copied my brothers in chucking my information in the middle of us.

"So now what?" I asked them assuming they would have some idea of what to do.

"I say we storm the place kill everyone who is a threat and find their leader," Thor spoke confidently.

"That is suicidal brother we cannot run in sparing half of their lives, we do not have time to distinguish who is an enemy or who is innocent. By then we would have the whole army on us and the only way to stop that would be for Kie to swiftly kill them all."

Loki had a point I didn't want to hurt the innocent as it was like a small town, mother's and children roamed around unknown to the violence that would go on and I could not face myself if I was forced to harm them.

"Well then brother what do you propose we do," Thor was now itching to fight something.

"Before we set the place ablaze we need to gather more information and then we will destroy it from the inside," Loki was now getting irritated at Thor's irrational quick thinking.

"Well I will get what information I need from the worthless souls when I pin them to the ground and threaten their lives," Thor quickly stood grabbing Mjölnir about to go without even checking with us, Loki somehow managed to stand and hold a sword out stopping him.

"I suggest you move brother," Thor's voice lowered and was now threatening him.

"Make me," Loki spat.

"Enough!" I yelled a bit louder than intended, but they both stared at me with both anger and determination, I was now stood too.

"Now we are going to do the only thing we should do," I spoke now getting hot headed similar to how Thor was, but Loki seemed to always keep his cool in any situation unlike us two.

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