Chapter 23

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~~~~Time change ~~~~
(Physical age)
Kiara : 18 years old
Thor : 23 years old
Loki : 22 years old

How times change


My heels clicked against the glass floor which was radiating rainbow colours illuminating the sky. I send smiles and nods to the people who gave me questioning glances. The familiar back streets helped hide my identify stopping any unwanted and unnecessary attention, that was the last thing I wanted as I headed home.

I had a red cloak buttoning from my waist too the top of my neck, there was patterned grey shoulder pad which continued under my arm. Sleek black trousers matched my gloves unlike the large unique red and gold earrings that hung from my ears. My platinum blonde hair pulled back in a high pony tail perfect for being out of the way.

The large, grand golden stairs crept up on me faster than I would have liked, taking a deep breath I started my assent of 71 steps. The all too familiar door stood in my way with guards posted outside, I lowered my head braising myself for what was to come hoping to deal with this swiftly and quietly.

I headed for the door hoping no questions were asked "name please we cannot let you in without permission."

"Kiara," I spoke, still looking at the smooth stone floor.

"You do not appear to be on today's list," one guard spoke with such authority.

"Really father is that paranoid that we have a list to enter, it is Princess Kiara by the way, now if you will excuse me," I pushed past the stunned guards neither putting up a fight.

My eyes flit around the corridor, nothing had changed. The ceiling still had its complex artwork of battles while the floor was a pearly white the marble reflecting the minimal about of gold furniture dotted around. My feet carried me as if by memory to a place I have not been to in a while.

I pushed a quartz door open revealing a large fire pit encircled by a soft leather sofa. Sprawled out was a group of warriors gathered around relaxing in each other's company. Candle lights lit up corners of the room near polished wooden tables which held food platters and golden cups containing many different beverages.

"So I then went into the preposterous camp in disguise heading for the main tent gathering everything I needed to know, before killing each resident one by one and setting the place on fire," one warrior stood waving his arms around while telling his story letting some of the wine slip from his golden cup.

"No, no, no, you liar you tried that and failed miserably leaving me to take out all those men alone while you were wailing around after being caught," another stood up joining this little narcissistic boasting preach.

The first one retaliated throwing the other warriors drink in the fire,  "That is not even close to what happened!"

"Yes it is and you know it."

The second one grabbed the others drink downing it in one go and shouting, "I like this ANOTHER!"

Then continued to throw the solid gold wine glass onto the floor allowing a clattering noise to echo across the room.

I lent arms folded against a large pillar, "Really you two still do that, so that's why the place is covered in gold cups, I though father just got too greedy raiding small defenceless planets," I caught everyone's attention.

"Kiara," my two brothers gasped, "the one and only," I smirked.

"Oh and by the way they are both liars, I went in disguise with Loki gathered Intel knocked over a bookshelf, then when we escaped and got ambushed. Loki got hand cuffed and Thor failed miserably with fighting, I created a fire circle blasted of Loki's cuffs and we escaped." all the faces in the room seem lost for words.

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