Chapter 13

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Into the unknown


A brilliant light hugs the sky as the sun stretches out across the land. The autumn breeze tousled Riden's hair and pinked his cheeks. The warmth that had been in the wind just last week seemed to had evaporated into the sky. It gave life to the long grass in the fields surrounding the palace, still yellowing from the high summer sun. The strands swayed out of time with the gusts brought on by the occasional person or carriage strolling by.

We sat close together our backs flush against a side of an old oak tree, while my head was rested comfortably on Riden's shoulder his lent on top of mine. The rush of the autumnal breeze would threaten to flick a page of the book that rested half on me and half on him. I looked up into his deep brown eyes not caring about the flush of redness that I felt creep its way upon my cheeks. Resting my head back onto his sturdy shoulders I felt his arm snake around my back brining me in impossibly closer. I felt small against his large frame yet a feeling of safety swarmed over me.

He wore a white cotton shirt tucked into black trousers and boots, his dark brown hair messily lay on his head as his deep brown eyes gazed intently towards the words that lay on the aging paper in front of us. I had a deep detailed green dress on with a sage patterned corset on top. The few strands of blonde hair framing my face blew in the breeze as the rest lay down trapped between my back and the tree behind me.

As I finished the final sentence a slight nod came from Riden so I turned the page to reveal we had read up to chapter 13.

"I should probably go now, we have been reading this since just after lunch and I am guessing my brothers will be done with their meeting," I spoke quietly against the silence of the empty field.

"You could stay for a bit longer your just about the only person I can bare to be around," Riden pouted looking down into my baby blue eyes.

"Do not look at me like that I will see you at dinner," I started to stand only to have him beat me to it and tower over me holding a hand out.

"Maybe you could join me for a night time stroll, I have yet to show you some of my secret places," I smirked taking his hand and pulling myself up.

"That sounds great," his other hand found its way up to cup my face looking down as if to memorize every last detail. A small flush of pink formed on my face, butterflies flying around in my stomach. I saw a tint of pink form on his cheeks too as he eyes battled an internal conflict.

He pulled back after getting lost in the moment, somehow my arm found its way through Riden's as he lead us towards the palace.

Over the year of Riden living here we have been getting closer and finding comfort in each other's company. He was quite a flirt at times, but it would normally turn into a conversation of teasing and making fun of one another. We learn new things every day about each other and have many common interests. Thor seems to like and respect him based on the fact that he is a skilled warrior and intelligent. When in council or noble meetings he seems to always have a solution to a problem, according to Thor anyway. Loki still doesn't like or trust him saying he's annoying and untrustworthy, but he's just salty as Riden has bettered him in their conversations of snappy comments. But that's him just being petty apart from that everyone likes him and his father Arvid, they have fit in well with the nobles.

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