Chapter 24

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Just like old times


"I see you changed your armour style," Loki whispered into my ear.

"Well, this is a stealth mission everyone else is in brown leather and metal except you and Thor, it seems like your begging for attention."

"At least mine is dark green, he is a bright red like a fucking apple," he retaliated back.

We were squashed together hidden behind a large rock on the outskirts of an abandoned village, while Thor and Sif headed in to find whatever we came here for.

I was covered in brown leather and rough stitches, metal armour covered some places as I wore a large brown hood covering my head. On my back was a bow and a collection of arrows, a set I got from my father that was ment for my 16th birthday but I got them while I was locked up in jail. At least I had something to do.

"So your speaking to me now," I cast a sideways glance.

"I cannot stay mad at you forever, but I find my ways to retaliate. I did miss pranking you though," he smirked as if he already had an idea.

"Yes, well I see you finally worked up the courage to do the prank with Sif's hair, seeing as it's looking quite dodgy."

"Well, I needed practice for when you got back."

I hummed in response making a note to hide my scissors when I got back.

Loki looked over in a questioning glace, "Somthing seems odd why are you wearing a hood."

"Because I felt like it," I pulled it more over my hair until you could barely see it.

I heard a noise coming from the other rock where hogun and Fandal were sat, but it seemed as if they were playing noughts and crosses with rocks and sticks. I felt a hand rip the back of my hood down.

Loki burst out in uncontrollable laughing, "You cut your hair it's so short."

My hair reached the top of my shoulder, the top half pulled back in a small bun keeping it out of my way. I pulled my hood up and shushed Loki before our cover was blown.

"Shut up," I whispered firmly.

"When did you do that your hair was normal yesterday."

"I got bored at night saw some scissors and here we are."

"You always said you would never cut your hair short, like ever," he sounded astonished, I rolled my eyes and focussed on the task at hand.

Before I could form a reply a huge explosion in one of the buildings caught our eyes and a very angry Sif screaming Thor's name.

Guess thats the end of our plan.

We all ran in blindly as did an entire army of hundreds of warriors, they swarmed the tiny village. As we approached you could see Thor and Sif fighting off many men as Thor clutched some papers tightly to his chest.

"Sif go with the warriors three and soon as you are free call for Heimdal!" I heard Thor yell over the clashing of swords and the groaning of the fallen.

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