Chapter 3

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Friends and Family


Three siblings walk down the expansive golden corridors, two well dressed brothers of equal hight either side of their younger sister who's baby blue dress flowed along with the slight draft creeping in from the outside world. They made small conversation among themselves; who's smarter, who's better looking, who's the fastest. Normals sibling rivalry.

As if they had a mind of their own their legs carried them to a large double door crafted out of the finest ores. Two strong guards wearing their finest attire respectively nodded their heads opening the doors for the royal children to enter.

The ceiling must be at least 20 feet high, with intricate paintings of victorious battles looking down over them. Straight a head is the table in its natural beauty was the perfect stage for the eventide meal. At the head of the grand table was their father overlooking everyone, to his right was his wife and to his left were two empty seats the rest of the table was filled with all people of various importance ranging from over realm nobles, lords, highly respected men and so on, they were busying themselves with their most likely dull conversations. Loki continued to walk to sit next to his mother, Thor sat on his father's right with Kiara sat next to him. These were their usual seats when they are at meals like this, as Thor and Loki aren't allowed to sit together because they fight, and Loki and Kiara mess around to much.

Kiara sat down completely surprised when she saw a young boy around her age sitting next to her. Whenever the children came to these dinners there were never any other youngsters.

"Kiara I would like you to properly meet Noble Arvid and his son Riden who in fact is your age," Odin spoke over the light muttering gesturing to the boy and his father next to her.

"Hello I am Kiara, but most people call me Kie," she offered a small smile.

"I am Riden, just like King Odin said," he replied.

"Well, I am sure these two will get along just fine," Arvid spoke.

"Now, back to business men."

The dinner continued exquisite dishes were served along with expensive port. Adults talked about the realms, alliances nothing the children could keep up with so they muttered among themselves as that was their only form of entertainment.

"Just think one day one of these kids will be running this world," Ferguson said.

"Yes, yes, can you imagine," another added.

"I think it will be me that will be king next," Thor spoke up looking proud earning a death glare from his sister next to him.

"Actually brother, I think you mean I will be king next," Loki interrupted.

"Look at this, our two young princes fighting over the throne already," Calder said starting to laugh

"Can I be king one day father," Riden spoke up.

"Not quite son you will make a great noble though unless you find yourself a princess too marry," Arvid chuckled as he ruffled his sons hair.

"Kiara's a princess," Riden replied innocently.

"Hey, I want to be king to," Kiara joined in.

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