Chapter 8

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~~~~Time Change ~~~~
Kiara : 16 years old
Thor : 21 years old
Loki : 20 years old


Day to day


"Come on one more time," I pleaded.

"You have beaten me over ten times now," Riden ran his arm across his forehead wiping the sweat off.

"Well, what can I say I am the best," I readied my sword tightening my grip.

"Or you learned from the best," he too adjusted his sword and stance placing his left foot more forward.

"God you truly are obsessed with my brother."

"Am not," he took his first move of which I side stepped out of the way.

"But he is good and advanced, the fastest anyone has ever gone through the warrior ranks and now has a awesome hammer too," he continued slamming his sword into mine.

"Do not forget my father heavily influences the choosing of the warrior leaders," I quipped back pushing against Riden, although he was getting to strong.

"He could still beat anyone in a fight," Riden leaned in catching me of guard our faces mere millimetres away.

"Except me," I thought quick on my feet kicking out his legs from under him causing him to lose his balance and clumsily fall.

"Never underestimate your opponent," I aimed my sword at his throat.

"Was that one of his life lessons," Riden asked gently moving my blade and standing up.

"No actually that was Loki."

"Well, I think we are done here," Riden placed our swords back in the rack rolling up his sleeves.

His once clean shirt was now a baggy mess covered in sweat and dirt held by two brown suspenders attached to some brown trousers. I on the other hand wore my black dress patterned in white detailing a black protective skirt hung from round my back attached from a large dark belt.

"You know your brothers are finally coming back," he started walking over to me.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot," I leaned back against the cold hard wall.

"Really, you have not stopped going on about it for the past week," he neared me.

"Well, I am excited to see them," I added.

As I looked up I didn't realise how close we were I could feel his breath  against my forehead, a few strands of hair that moved at its touch. His arm rested on the wall support his weight so not to crush me while his hand slowly sifted through the ends of my hair.

"I like your hair down all messy and curly, it is as bright as the sun just like your soul," he whispered.

"Well, your soul has two parts, the dark mysterious side and the hidden soft side you seem to keep hidden," I tapped his chest as I gazed up into his soft brown eyes.

"Does it now," he smirked.

A loud horn sounded through the palace walls.

"You should go and get ready your brothers will be here soon," Riden spoke deeply not moving his gaze.

"I probably should," I placed my hand over his chest reluctantly pushing myself of the wall.

"But I am glad you show me your soft side," I smirked as I made my way back to my chambers to nervous to look back.

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