Chapter 21

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"Where do you plan to take us?" I demanded resisting against the men holding me.

"That is non of your business Kiara," Arvid turned to walk away.

I snapped back, "That is princess Kiara to you, I asked where are you taking us."

"Your title will do you no good where you are headed, men separate them in the ships, Riden with me."

The surrounding audience of soldiers dropped their stance and headed off to full fill Arvid's orders. Me Thor and Loki fought the best we could to get out of their grip, but it was no good. We were hand cuffed, powerless and as of now I was the only one able to talk.

"Riden, please do not go, help us help me you know it is right," I pleaded with him hoping to spark any emotion in him.

Riden stood conflicted inbetween me and his father. I could see the utter confusion he was in on one side he had a girl who loves him and his childhood friends and on the other was his father and his people. After all we have been through hunting this place down all the killing along the way even if he planned that all along maybe, just maybe he would choose me.

My vision blurred as tears brimmed my eyes, a lump in my throat made it hard to speak making me seen vulnerable and desperate.

"Riden please, I don't want too go I don't want to die."

"Kie I," Riden looked as if he were going to come over to help until Arvid stepped in, "ignore her boy she was just a pawn in our plan that we, well you, successfully played."

"Did you chose to lead me on to get that close, using me as some game piece in your father's plan!" I was a mix of anger and frustration "Did you!"

"Yes," he whispered quietly "I thought getting close to you like that would make it easier to use you."

"Really so it was a lie earlier everything you said to me you don't really love me you really did just use me," my flow of tears easied up, but I still tasted the salty drops as they ran into my mouth staining my face along the way.

"No Kiara it was real, I do love you, I really do, I promised myself I would not fall for you but I did I - I," his words came out in a mess at this point I had no idea what was going on in that brain of his.

All the while we were slowly getting dragged further and further from him my Thor and Loki already nearing the flying ship.

"Stop just stop it!" I yelled making the guards around me jump and stand frozen in place.

"Stop going back and forth it is confusing and manipulating, you either go with your father and leave me and my brothers to be enslaved and have gods what done to us, or stand up for me and what you know is right if you mean what you say," my voice was low the inside of my throat throbbing from the crying.

"The decision is based on love, and love never fails you, so me or your father."

The whole area was silent, birds silent, wind silent even the onlookers held their breath in anticipation for Riden's answer.

I didn't know if what I am doing is right, but I don't know what else to say or do. Whether or not Riden used me doesn't matter if my brothers or people get hurt because of this mess I got us into from trusting him. I needed to find a way out of this with or without Riden. Even if we escape we will still declare war over this, people don't take kidnapping the prince's and princess of Asgard very likely.

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