Chapter 9

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Celebrations or distractions


"Yes father," I looked up to the king sat proudly above everyone on his golden throne.

"Where is your brother I asked him to come along too," he spoke back down to me and Thor.

"I am here father no need to panic," Loki waltzed in sarcastically standing to my side with Thor on the other.

"As you may know it is my 2000 thousand year adversity of ruling Asgard," he begun.

"I did not know that," Loki slyly whispered into my ear.

"And that there will be an extravagant ball in celebration."

"Nor that," Loki continued.

"Boy will you be quiet when your king is speaking to you," fathers voice bellowed across the room.

"I am not a boy I am a grown adult," Loki retaliated.

Me and Thor just stood silent waiting out this recurring petty argument.

"Well, why don't you act like one, anyway many kings, lords and important guests are arriving tonight to commence this celebration and because this is such a full event I have decided to announce your titles as God's though Kiara I am indecisive whether to announce yours or not," he concluded .

"Why, that is not fair if you are doing it for them then why not me," I stood forward glaring up at my father.

"Because your young and still do not have good enough control over your powers yet."

"Neither do they, Thor has had is stupid hammer for a year and if I remember rightly he caused a huge thunder storm which started a forest fire and burnt a third of our forestry that was just three months ago," I felt anger boil in me desperate to be heard.

"Fine Kiara I will consider it, but for now you three dress well, stay well behaved and keep your formalities in check when socialising with the guests," father finally finished.

"Yes father," we replied in unison as we bowed and headed out.

We walked for a bit down the endless corridors the noise of our shoes filling the silence.

"Well, that was fun, father was charming as always," Loki spoke out of nowhere.

"Do you always have to whined him up," Thor answered back.

"But it is so fun but Kiara here finished him off."

"I do not get why I cannot get my title when you two do,"

"Just leave that for father to decide besides we have thousands of years to fill with being the best gods the universe has ever seen," Thor put the issue.

"So, will you be brining Riden as your date then," Thor teased, nudging my arm.

"Honestly, she can do better than him," Loki glared at thor.

"Will the Lady Sif be joining you," I snapped back.

"Ha, good one Kie," Loki gave me a high five.

"Well Loki, will we be seeing this mysterious blonde," Thor smirked.

Loki's eyes sent daggers towards Thor's and before they turned into real one I intervened.

"I am sure we can all agree on the fact that we will be all heading in single and leaving pretty drunk."

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