Chapter 17

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Fighting for love


The whole context of time was now non-existent; hours, days, months, years could pass and you would just feel numb to it, a mere few minutes could easily be weeks flying by.

The prison cell was a hollow piece of rock, one way in, no light and no windows. In there you could have no idea how much time has passed or even if it was day or night. It was totally disorienting by design. A deathly silence filled the room except for the slow dripping of water, providing me with constant music ringing in my ears. Given enough time a person could easily forget their own name in here. The isolation was total and stimulation was zero. No sound, no light, no furniture or cloth of any kind. It was all an inmate could do was feel the cool jagged walls, even that felt like torture in itself.

Only a tiny soft golden glow managed to squeeze its way under the cracks of the door. Providing a small amount of hope in the total darkness I found myself in.

I sat, knees tucked in sitting flush against the rough, uneven wall, my hands still bound in power cancelling cuffs as I hugged my knees for a sense of comfort. My thoughts begun to wander I started to think that this might not of been the best idea, plan A went to shit quickly, I can only hope now that plan B is working and that Riden hasn't been caught like I carelessly was. I began to contemplate whether to send a message to Heimdall, but that would be giving up and after all we have gone through in defying the king of Asgard -my father, storming peaceful camps and killing many people we could not return empty handed.

Sat here in the depressing cold and dark prison feeling sorry for myself was not going to help anything nor anyone. I had to try something.

Standing up for the first time in ages my legs felt weak under me, I clambered over to the door feeling for anything, a lock, handle even a slight tear in its tough wooden exterior could be of use. I felt a change in texture as my fingers ran over a small amount of metal -must be the keyhole. My francium handcuffs eliminated my powers so I couldn't just move the surrounding rock, but it may not cancel out my asgardian magic. I thought back to previous lessons with Loki and remembered a spell to manipulate metal.

My hand started to glow a faint lapis colour as small phrases instinctively fell out of my mouth. But nothing happened except a strange burning came from my wrists, I immediately stopped the spell which in turn stopped the burning. Curse these Berserkers they are not as dumb as they look, seems like they also restrict simple magic as well.

I kicked the door in frustration most likely the whole prison chamber heard me, if anyone else was in here of course.

I turned round defeated, navigating myself through the pitch black back to my previous spot. That was when I heard the door click. I sat up alarmed as my door was pulled open.

There stood a tall figure that begun to walk towards me.

I stumbled as I stood about to open my mouth to speak when a familiar voice silenced me.

"Shhh, its me come on we have to go," he spoke softly reassuring my nerves.

I looked up into his familiar dark brown eyes as he helped guide me out into the dimly lit corridor.

"Where have you been," I questioned now that I could see him better.

"Completing plan A or by the looks of it you have diverted to plan B," he smirked his hands hovered round my arms as we spoke.

"So what Intel have you gathered," I asked.

"Enough, what about you."

"I found and spoke to Dolan he gave up some stuff, I was brought here before I could get any more information out of him."

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