Chapter 26

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Truth or Dare


"So, majority of this land is covered in natural francrium, great," I sighed, my metal armour clicked along with Loki's and Thor's as we walked.

"Yes but it's in its natural state so I don't think it fully cancels our powers out just weakens them. I guess Beserker's add extra minerals to make it stronger or maybe it's only fully effective when it is physically touching us," Loki answered, acting all smart as usual, not changed a bit.

"What is our plan anyway?" Thor spoke up, "storm the fort, kill Dolan assuming he's there and find the location of Arvid and Riden."

"And take out an entire army with no power, no idea of what the so called fort is like and kill a man who is probably not even there." I felt Loki roll his eyes.

We were back doing what we did best, being lost and arguing, this time in a rocky mountainous plain. Jumping and dodging rocks and bolders became exhausting, although I don't miss our times ducking and weaving around trees.

I groaned at my brothers constant dismissal for things that werent his ideas, "just have a little faith brother, I've been tracking them for years, it makes the most sense for them to be here."

"Where are we even headed?" Thor moaned "North east past the hill," I pointed in the distance.

It was now early morning we got some rest and found some food last night, but trying to sleep on rocks surrounded by tiny lizards and screeching eagles is a real challenge. So we decided to just go, supposedly we should have seen it after we crossed the bridge but again that old crank messed with us. I hope it's past this approaching hill as I don't know how much longer Loki and Thor are willing to go to do this.

"Wait!" I screamed excitedly running off, "that's it, look there's the Beserkian flags I did it I finally found it after all these years," I jumped around in a large boulder with a wide grin across my face.

Thor seemed proud and smiled along with me where as Loki was containing his happiness, but I knew deep down he was smiling.

"Right, let's get this over with," he walked passed heading up the steep mountain side.

"Ever climbed a mountain?" I asked catching up with him, Thor not far behind, "I see no need to."

"I smash my why though," Thor gestered to the hammer in his hand, "that's why," I heard Loki mutter.


The fort was bigger than expected, placed on the highest side of a circle of mountains, providing good cover and vantage point. We sat on a nearby ledge just out of view, at least we hoped.

"So, we sneak in through the sewage pipes you pretend to be Dolan new mistress and get lead to him, as me and Thor take out two guards and find a away to follow you to Dolan. Then we press him for information make a deal or something to ensure Asgards and our safety," Loki concluded not at all thrilled with the plan.

"Why do you have to be a mistress?" Thor questioned slowly prodding his now healed head wound (thanks to Loki's magic).

I shrugged my shoulders, "why not. What else am I supposed to be his lawyer."

"Well, it's game time."

The guards were finally switching positions so we legged it down the hill heading towards the open hole in the towering wall. Successfully, we all fit and slowly crawled through the empty sewer, guess it's our lucky day.

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