Chapter 2

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~~~~Time change ~~~~
Kiara : 6 years old
Thor : 11 years old
Loki : 10 years old

Innocent fun


Not to far from the exquisite royal gardens were the grassy fields that lead to; forests, lakes and mountain ranges. In this expanse of greenery there are more hues than anyone has ever named, yet here they are for any eye to see. The land rolls as it always has, as if it feels that time and space are one thing, that it rolls through the ages as much as to the horizon. Through out the vast land, green hills rose as if to blow kisses to the sky, upon a certain hill through the black heavens and sun-lit days, was a old wise tree. The tree is sentry to the landscape, the stoic guardian to so many souls, branches reach out as a hand to the sky, as beautiful as any new flower. Held tightly in one hand were two ropes that swung down to support a simple wooden plank creating a makeshift swing.

Kiara was perched on the swing holding onto the rope either side of her. She was wearing a cream ruffled dress that reached her feet, her platinum blonde hair beamed in reflection of the sun as it was illuminating the bright blue sky. It blew around in rhythm to the cool breeze as if it had a mind of its own, apart from the few strands of hair that were pulled back from the front of her face which her mother had put into a single plait. She was sat letting the wind direct the swing for her as she watched her brothers have a sword fight with small branches and sticks they would collect from the base of the weary tree (as they are not trusted with actual swords). It was always entertaining for Kiara to watch her brothers play as with this game they would rush out and the first one to find the best stick or branch usually won the fight in the end. In this case it was Loki who bettered Thor in finding the better makeshift sword, but they fought for ages until Thor finally knocked Loki over then stepped on his sword.

"Seriously, Thor that is so cheating in a real fight you can not just step on someone's sword and win," Loki shouted clearly very annoyed.

"Well, brother father always says make the most of your enemies weakness and yours was having a twig for a sword," Thor replied trying to outsmart his brother.

"Are you two arguing," Kiara chimed in.

"I forgot you were here," Thor spoke as he stamped more on the already broken twig eventually kicking it away.

"Heyyy," Kiara whined, she always got annoyed when her brothers left her out or simply forgot her.

She swiftly jumped off her swing causing it to sway in the light breeze and proceeded to help her brother up off the floor.

"Can you teach me," she said simply, "What?" they questioned simultaneously.

"Teach you what," her brothers asked confused.

"How to play your game like the one with the swords," Kiara replied with wide open hopeful eyes staring deep into her brothers as if to manipulate them with her eagerness.

"Ok fine, but no real swords," Loki finally replied brining a even wider smile to her beaming face.

"And do not tell father. I am sure he will not be happy if he knew that you were learning this without adult supervision," Thor added.

"Lighten up brother nothing bad is going to happen, it is only a game." Loki rolled his eyes at his brother.

"So where do we start," Kiara asked confidently placing her hands on her hips.

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