Chapter 16

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Light and dark


Here we are again walking through the dense maze of thick deep green shrubbery. Heading North to our newest destination where hopefully we will locate Dolan, supposedly is in charge of the Beserkers or maybe his boss is. Soon we will find out as we approach our next mission.

As we came from the forest that wrapped around us like a safety net, we were meet with an overpowering mountain littered with guards and multiple cave entrances, the sense of danger swarmed around us as if we had just entered hell.

This would be fun to find our way around.

I glanced to Riden in hope of reassurance, but my fears were simply mirrored in his face.

"I still can't believe you have lived here all your life and not even heard of this place," I spoke quietly so not to be heard.

"Well, I sometimes heard father mention about how the forests here always held Vanaheim's deepest secrets," he mumbled in response.

"So what's the plan, we are extremely out numbered these men seem to know the art of battle quite well, even you can't hold of this many," Riden spoke as we moved round behind a larger tree trunk in order to stay hidden.

"Well, my brothers have a plan called get help, but I do not think it will work well here ... however we could modify it."

"Well, lets hear the plan then warrior princess."


The midday sun shone from behind the mountain outlining the edge and creating the perfect shadow for cover. Small dark entrances were dotted around the rocky face leading into dark caverns towards the Beserkian keep. Smoke rose from one side of the mountain making an artistry of its swirls and flow. Makeshift wooden planks precariously covered the mountain side leading to the entrances, walking over them were the many warriors and members of the Beserkian clan, all of them covered in a variety of clothing however each one wore the all to familiar crest. Must be a pride thing.

I was perched on the hill side just out of the way of the keep, keeping an eye on the entrances and the guards movements along with Riden's location. I was constantly thinking back to Asgard and my brothers, my spell wore of ages ago so Heimdall could most likely find us I wonder if they even know that I'm gone.

Time passed slowly whilst I waited for the signal, nerves boiled up in me with each ticking minute. I fiddled with the edge of my worn leather skirt in an attempt to focus my current anxiety.

And there it was.

Riden waved his hand from where he stood at the base of the camp round the corner from the lowest entrance to the keep. I flew down without hesitation the opposite end to where Riden stood hidden. Blasts of air flew out of my hand strategically destroying the wooden planks that once granted access to the many warriors who now headed in my direction.

It was time for a change of shift therefore the perfect time for an ambush, they are all out in the open and too relaxed. I knocked out soldier after soldier varying my powers each time, fire, earth, air, water drawing the elements from the natural surroundings along with anything scattered round the keep, like the many lit lanterns I turned into fire balls now blasting the warriors into a world of darkness.

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