Chapter 15

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The small village was small but humble, a few amber torches flickered against the darkness of the night, it was much darker than Asgard ever was. In the centre was a more guarded building perhaps the location of the leader of this camp. Riden seemed to notice this too as we silently agreed to slip into that building.

We made our way through the long grass that surrounded the open village, avoiding the few lit torches and occasional guard, we managed to slip into a narrow ally way opposite the circular wooden building.

"There are two guards I have the one on the left and you take the one on the right," I instructed Riden in a whisper.

"Fine, but no powers no noise, there is no need to drag any unwanted attention," he stared back before slipping into the shadows heading towards his target, I followed his lead but going in the opposite direction.

Me being smaller and naturally good at stealth (from years of sneaking up on my brothers) I took the lead and made my way behind my guard. My hand reached round his mouth as my legs swung up to his neck and I used him being unbalanced from the shock to send him crashing to the floor. With the power of my grip round his neck and my free hand I managed to snap his neck within seconds. I turned to see Riden who had also taken out his target, but used his strength and size against the man to take him down. He sent a small smirk my direction.

"Lady's first," he opened his arm towards the door as the smirk still tugged at his lips.

I stepped inside my eyes frantically scanning the environment, bookshelves covered the walls as a large oak desk and chair stood central off to the side was a smouldering fire almost out. Maps lay messily on the table where at the head a man was sat deeply asleep.

Without hesitation Riden some how found bits of rope and material and tied him down to his chair, finally he used a knife from his side pocket to cut the man's sleeve of his shirt creating it into a gag. As he roughly tied it round the man's mouth his eyes shot open, you could feel the fear radiating of him as his strained against the restraints and attempted to scream through the thin material that was wedged in his mouth.

"Now be quiet, we have a few questions to ask, if I hear even the faintest cry for help I won't hesitate to burn you alive along with everyone else in this so called village," my voiced sounded cold and dangerous I don't know whether I liked my tone.

Wordlessly he agreed as I paced in front of him after I removed the gag, Riden stood in the corner leaning against a dusty bookshelf in silence, sending occasional death stares at the man as he let me do the talking. Half the time he looked to be in another realm with how distant he looked.

"Now you know who I am, correct," I begun.

"Yes, you are Kiara, Princess Kiara daughter of Odin, Goddess of Elements," he stammered seeming to get more nervous with every word he spoke.

"Do you know who he is," I glanced in Riden's direction.

"No miss."

"Does the noble Arvid sound familiar."

Something seemed to click in the man's brain as he look a curious look towards him.

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