Chapter 18

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Home sweet home


After walking for what felt like hours we made our way up the steep mountain side. The endless stairs brought us to an overpowering large maroon door which was heavily guarded. I glanced back to see how far we had come, Thor's wild cape blew down towards the way we had clambered up the stone stairs which brought us above the clouds and as it seemed everything else. Stood in front was a large beige castle nothing compared to Asgards expensive golden palace, but it was still enough to take your breath away.

"Guards it is me Riden Arvidson, I have with me the prince's and princess of Asgard I must request that we have 3 royal suites prepared immediately," Riden spoke with such authority leading a couple guards scrambling off to deliver the message.

"Follow me," Riden spoke as he guided us inside the grand castle.

"So, this is now Vanaheim nobles live," Loki questioned judging every detail he saw as we walked through the halls.

"Pretty much, Vanaheim is not as golden or showy as Asgard, we use the resources that nature supplies us with, not what we have stolen or used to show off with," he quipped back sending a quick stare towards Loki's direction.

We arrived (still sodden in our dirty and bloody armour) into a warm welcoming sitting room. A small fire crackled in the back illuminating the dim room revealing the large plush sofas hogging the space. My brothers wasted no time sprawling out on the luxurious seats getting mud all over them.

"Sir, the suites are ready shall we escort your guests to them," a young maid stood by the door frame obviously intimidated by the many royals stood in the room.

"Yes, that would be appreciated," he calmly replied taking a seat in a large armchair opposite my brothers, as I awkwardly leaned against the side of it.

"We must apologise for the lack of preparation as were not expecting your arrival so soon, should we prepare for the arrival of your father."

Only a firm "No." came from Riden.

The young girl nodded a went to get other servants to help escort us.

"If you would follow us your majesty's we will show you to your rooms," an older woman walked in more confidently but wearing the same simple navy dress and white pinafore as the other.

"Kiara go on ahead, I think we will have a little chat with our host here," Loki spoke sending me one of his warning glares.

I gave a quick glance to Thor, whom was staring at nothing, then to Riden who's eyes showed a flicker of worry. Not wanting to anger my brothers anymore, I sent a silent apologetic message to Riden as I allowed myself to be guided out of the room.

The kind servant guided me to the guest suites making small talk as we walked down the tall, dark echoing halls. A shout came from the room I just left, I presume it's Thor yelling at Loki don't think I even want to know what's wound him up this time.

"Right this way princess Kiara," the older maid spoke softly.

She pulled open two large wooden doors as I peered into the luxurious room. It was lit brightly with a crystal chandelier in the centre, a large king sized bed covered in deep royal blue sheets. A large wardrobe and dressing table filled the adjacent side with the final side housing a delicate glass door leading to a balcony.

Without a second thought I waltzed over to the looming glass door pushing it gently which exposed me to the outside world.

Much less golden than Asgard's city, more brown and muddy like the rural areas.

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