Chapter 4

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~~~~Time change ~~~~
Kiara : 9 years old
Thor : 14 years old
Loki : 13 years old

Turn of events


So not much has happened recently; Thor spends most of his time with his friends often dragging Loki out with him, eventhough he very much dislikes spending any time with them. He would much rather be in the library studying or working on his magic/powers, sometimes helping me with mine.

Ever since we all had the 'big talk' about our God powers last year it is all we have thought about. Thor practices everyday with his warrior skills in order to earn this hammer thing, Loki shuts people out more and focuses too hard on harnessing his powers. Me on the other hand have had quite some difficulty mastering mine. Don't get me wrong I can kind of control them but no where near the level to start creating elements, mother said that will come in time and I should focus on my studies maybe even follow my brothers footsteps in joining the warriors ranks.

To be honest non of us can do much with our powers yet, mother and father just stress the importance of enjoying our childhood before we actually have to start to learn to control them.

That is it for now it is getting late the moon is already beaming with its pearly white glow.

Ps see I am getting there with my descriptive writing, stupid Loki.


The morning was like any other, golden threads of morning light transform my night dreaming into an ambient optimism. I found myself on my window seat where I often read or write using the moonlight to light up the pages. I was wearing my soft cotton white night gown that reaches my knees and a single cobalt blue blanket wrapped over me. My diary lay motionless on the floor below me, it must of dropped it on the floor when I drifted off to sleep. I took in the warm golden hues from the sun as I was contemplating whether to get up and ready for the day. I begun to think about what I should do, perhaps I could persuade my brother to teach me more magic to do with my powers or maybe get the other one to come out riding with me. Before I could think anymore I heard banging from down the hall and then what I assumed was Loki yelling at Thor telling him go away. As I looked back to the window to gaze over the beauty of Asgard one more time I was startled by the same banging on my door, which lead to me falling of the window seat.

"Today is the day dear sister, I am getting my first warriors rank!" Thor yelled as he burst into my room hoping I would me more enthusiastic than Loki.

There were 3 ranks: the first you get as a teen or after a couple years of training, the second when you are allowed to be an official warrior and fight in the wars, the third was hard to achieve but it ment you became a leader and gained more responsibility than a normal soldier and after that your place was to be decided by higher ranking warriors or if it's high enough by the alfather.

"Uhhhhh," I moaned as I got up from the cold marble floor.

"That is great, but will you be free for riding today you promised me a week ago you would take me back out, you know father does not allow me to ride far without you," I asked Thor although I already knew his answer.

"Did you not listen to what I said," he folded his arms and lent against the door frame, "I am spending the day with my friends as we are all getting our first rank, we have all worked hard for this I can take you another day or get our brother to join you."

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