Chapter 7

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I was creeping around the tree behind where Loki was sat, Thor was behind another one nearby, I went to go and scare him.

"Really, you two need to try a lot harder than that to sneak up on some one, I have been listening to you for nearly 10 minutes now."

"Uhh," I groaned as I skipped round the tree and sat crossed legs to Loki's left as he still lay resting his back against the tree legs stretched out and he was around half way through his book which he had not taken his eyes off.

"Come and play with us," I pleaded as Thor was picking leaves off the branches above him and was throwing them at Loki none of them going close.

"Why must I play your childish games," Loki asked as he licked his finger and turned a page he still has not looked away from yet.

"Because it is fun and we are bored," I pleaded.

"Just entertain yourselves or are you two incapable of doing anything with out me," he replied monotonal voice.

I was getting slightly annoyed at him and Thor who was still trying to throw a leaf him so I flicked my wrist which sent the leaf flying towards Loki and fell in his book.

Simple air manipulation I thought to myself.

Loki finally looked up at me and slammed his book shut leaving the leaf inside.

"Well, now you have just left that in your book," Thor said smirking.

"Or have I," Loki grinned in his mischievous way.

I felt something touch my head just as the leaf had magically found its way on it. I grabbed it and looked up at Loki amazed he just smirked as he let his book disappear and stood up to hold a hand out for me.

"Well, where are we going," he said expectantly.

"Lets go to the field by my swing," I grabbed Loki's hand to stand up as he suddenly let go making me fall back down.

"Really brother," Thor moaned.

"Ha, ha," I said sarcastically as Loki picked me up and chucked me on Thor's back making him roll his eyes as now he was giving me a piggy back ride.

"Your right this is fun," Loki said in a comedic voice walking off to our destination.


"Looks like your losing brother," Loki yelled as he swung the bat towards the ball hitting it straight through his posts.

"Ha, I win you suck brother."

Clap, clap, clap

My brothers turned round to see their little sister giving Loki the most sarcastic round of applause, he had a big smile plastered on his face at the fact that he destroyed his brother whereas Thor looked as if he was about to murder someone, most likely Loki.

The field is the most bonnie of green blankets graced with clover. Upon a hill lay our father's oldest tree, its leaves are as the most ancient of green eyes, open to the sunny rays each so bold and shy, glossy and humble, as only nature can be. The branches reach their limbs towards the sky as one held on tightly to the aging ropes of a young princesses swing.

"So ..... When can I play," I asked as I jumped of the swing and ran down the hill.

"We will play one more round then you can join," Thor replied out of breath.

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