Chapter 19

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All or nothing


I felt a familiar feeling wrap round me as my eyes opened to be welcomed again with the warm golden glow shining through the window.

"Finally your up," a voice came from the other side of the room.

A scream escaped my mouth, "What the fuck are you doing here," I pulled the sheets over my body, thank God I was wearing Riden's button up white shirt from last night. 

"Woah calm down, it's not the first time I have had to wake you up," Loki rose from his seat heading to the door.

I scanned the room and any trace of Riden was gone it was as if he had never been here.

"Nice dream," he asked, I simply rolled my eyes knowing he probably had something to do with it.

"I am working on dream spells bringing real life memories back into dreams, see that was a previous memory but I altered it slightly," he sounded some what proud of himself.

I stared him down, "Yes well done now please leave so I can get ready."

"Fine, since when do sleep in Riden's clothes," he sent a questioning glance.

I pointed my finger to the door yelling "Out."


As soon as I chucked my brother out of my room I went straight to the oversized bathroom. My fingers flicked through many lotions and shampoos all neatly placed along the high up shelves, I roamed the room admiring the simple details carved into the stone walls while the bath was filling.

I slipped my silk robe of stepping into the steaming warmth of bubbles. My muscles relaxed as the sweet smelling scents seeped into I my skin. Unfortunately I had no time to relax we have a big day a head of us.

I clambered out wrapping a white fluffy towel around my torso. Walking back into my room I saw some armour and a little note on it.


We were saving this for your 18th birthday, but we do not think this fight can wait two years and we are sure you would want to wear it for this important battle.

Happy 17th birthday Kiara

Love Thor & Loki


I smile worked it's way on my face, at least I have a present today it is a good chance I won't get to celebrate or see my family, but the safety of my brothers and Asgard is my top priority this can wait.

I slipped into my armour; it was a gold chest plate with matching shoulder and arm pads, silver chain mail lines my waist in a V shape with a royal blue fabric wrapping round one side and flowing too another. The rest was covered in a stretchy navy material and knee covering gold boots. I had a gold V shaped head band keeping my hair out of my face allowing me to leave the blonde waves flowing freely.

After getting ready I walked out to find my way to the others, down the cold halls making my way to the same room we first arrived in. As I walked down the dull corridors a faint light filled the room, as did my curiosity. The door creaked as I pulled it ajar announcing my presence immediately

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