Chapter 14

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Partner in crime


I did the final strap up on my armour letting my long royal blue jacket tie around my thin brown under armour. It was covered in brown and silver buckles holding together the outfit along with a wide brown belt containing essential battle necessities. Half of my hair pulled into a pony tail with the rest flowing freely.

As silent as a mouse I strode over to my open window, as night fell the blue haze of day that lifted to reveal stars.

I don't have time to be admiring the night time sky.

I threw myself out of my window using my powers to glide me down safely then following the shadows to meet with my partner in crime.

I arrived just where we promised the edge of the dark forest, it seemed more sinister at this time of night.

"Are you sure about this," I asked him one final time.

"Are you, you are going completely against your father's orders and do not even have your brothers support to do this."

It was when the moonlight hit him that I truly saw the concerned expression playing on his face, the darkness of his eyes gazed over mine as if to try and find how I am really feeling.

His clothes fully black leather with brown straps scattered around, a well made sword with a detailed silver handle rested by his left hip.

"So then, where is this secret way out of asgard," he asks breaking the long silence.

"Follow me," I began to trek into the dark wood, I navigated the way not by sight but by faith and memory.

"Wait," I came to a holt grabbing onto his arm to stop him.


"I havent done the spell yet, to stop Heimdall from seeing us," I moved so I was directly in front of him.

"What do I have to do," he asked raking his hair back with one hand before folding is arms and shifting his weight into one leg. I could feel myself staring, he could too and just smirked.

God Kiara snap out of it.

"Right just stand there and hold my hands," I snapped out of my trance and awkwardly grabbed his now stretched out hands. They were a lot bigger than mine and quite warm considering the coldness of the night.

I closed my eyes repeating the small spell (I learnt the other week from one of Loki's lessons) in my head until I felt it work. It took longer than last time, but I wanted to make sure if worked.

My eyes fluttered open to see Riden smiling slightly, curiously watching me.

"Well, I think that worked, I say we have a day max before he will be able to find us, however he knows we would be up to something as he cannot locate us so we have to be conscious of time."

"I suggest we get going then," he looked down to me as we were still holding hands.

"Right of course," I let go of him and took the lead guiding us to our destination.

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