Chapter 25

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Dangerous games


My head was ringing and my vision blurry, the whole world spun in a dizziness of trees and dirt. Slowly, I stood only to see Thor and Loki doing the same. I looked around to see a guard sentry post, strategically placed in the woods. How did we miss that.

Almost as quick as I registered it another explosive came in our direction, "Look out!" I managed to yelled .

Instinctively my hands shielded my face not only subconsciously protecting me, but controlling the mass of fire in mid air. I sent it back plummeting it's way down destroying the entire watch tower, any trace of its existence would now cease to exit.

"Well, that was exciting," Loki dusted off his spotless green armour.

Me and Thor on the other hand were much more injured from not having any proper armour, "So you can magic up your armour how about doing it for us."

"Because little sister, such magic is draining," sarcasm practically rolled of his tongue.

"Bullshit!" Thor yelled grabbing Loki by the neck pinning him to the tree, "ok fine," Loki breathed through Thor's tight grip.

Thor released Loki letting him stumble to the ground coughing as he regained his breath. A warm fuzzy feeling swarmed me as I felt the weight increase.

As I looked around I was back in my old golden armour, the same blue satin material placed perfectly as my hair was pulled back by my V shaped gold head band.

I didn't even have to look up to guess what Loki did to Thor a simple scream justified it, "Loki you conniving petty little bastard change this at once."

Thor was stood bright red, freezing in the open air of the cool forest with only a small towel round his waist. Loki couldn't hold his laugh in any longer relishing in his brothers embarrassment.

"That is a lot of words big brother, be thankful you have a lovely towel if Kie wasn't here then perhaps I wouldn't have even bothered with that," Loki leaned against the tree, arms folded completely smug with himself.

I couldn't look at the two anymore after that comment so I swiftly turned around "Ok," I spoke quietly "Loki get Thor some decent clothes on so we can continue with why we are here."

"Fine. He just has to apologise for nearly choking me to death."

"You are so pathetic brother just give me my armour," I could hear Thor's desperation.

Loki retaliated "that does not sound like a sorry to me."

"Thor just say it so we can move on, or I'm leaving you two seeing as I don't actually need you," I shouted behind me.

"Fine, sorry Loki," Thor spoke through gritted teeth his rage already boiling over "I didn't hear you," Loki taunted.

"Loki give in," I yelled, hearing Thor's relief from having is armour back on I started to walk off, "I'm leaving you children here, you can only follow when you have quit arguing and are both fully clothed."

Soon enough I heard jogging behind me, quickly catching up with my smaller strides, "about time," I murmured.

A not so suttle chuckle came from one brother, while the other eyed him with a serious death stare. Just typical sibling bonding.


A large cave was carved into the mountainside, it's mouth full with razer sharp teeth. The inside was filled with a rotting smell complemented by a sudden darkness. With no other way we headed straight in with only the light of the fire in my hands to guide the way.

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