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Kuzco would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous about what was transpiring today, Kuzco should be nervous

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Kuzco would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous about what was transpiring today, Kuzco should be nervous. The four Elders were going to be stopping by the palace and telling Kuzco along with Pacha who was granted permission to be present for the meeting. This was the first time Kuzco was allowed to be in one, and he was a little worried that he'll mess it up. Not worried about what the Elders would do but what Pacha would do if he messed it up, Pacha was a lot scarier than the Elders to Kuzco even though Pacha would say he's lying.

"How do you feel?" Chaca asks as she helps Kuzco put on his royal coat. "Nervous, not about the Elders because you know I don't care what they think but I know if I mess this up Dad will have my hide." Chaca chuckles and nods making her braided hair bounce. "He will so don't mess this up." Chaca squeezes Kuzco's arms before stepping back. "Way to be the voice of confidence Chaca, I will never understand why the staff insists that I need help to put on my coat." Kuzco frowns looking at himself in the mirror.

"It's because they know how clumsy you are, be grateful I convinced them to let me help you. Now, you need to go because you don't want to start this day off with being late." Kuzco frowned but picked up the potted cup that was on his desk, he took a sip and winced slightly when it burned his throat. "Mead?" Chaca says arm crossed with an unimpressed look on her face.

Kuzco nods sheepishly, Chaca holds her hand out. "Please, no one will know." Chaca gives Kuzco a look whose face falls but he puts the cup of mead into Chaca's hand. "You don't need to be drunk when you see the Elders, it would not be a good look." Kuzco opened his mouth to respond when the door opened and in walked Malina. "Emperor, Emperor Pacha said they're waiting for you." Kuzco internally rolled his eyes but nodded with a smile on his face, he needed to start watching what he says around Malina because knowing the Elders they probably put a camera in her so they can see what is going on in the palace without their knowledge. "Thank you." Kuzco turned to look at Chaca. "Thanks for all your help, wish me luck." Kuzco raises his brows and stuffs his hands in his pocket, Chaca opens her mouth but she closes it after a second thought.

Kuzco turns and lets Malina lead him towards the conference room that is usually used for when the Elders stop by for a visit. Kuzco knew the Elders weren't waiting on him, knowing them their servants as they insist to call them were hiding them away upon the Elders request, they always liked to be the last to arrive in the room.

"Here you are Emperor, per Emperor Pacha's instructions I am programmed to wait outside for you." Malina bows and opens the door for Kuzco, Kuzco steps inside and turns around to say thank you when Malina closes the door loudly behind him.

Kuzco takes a deep breath as he looks around, Pacha was sitting at the head of the table and Kuzco was instructed to sit at the other end while the four Elders would sit on the side of the large table. "Ready for this?" Kuzco says chuckling nervously. "No, now stand up. You know the Elders like to be the first ones sitting." Pacha glared daggers at Kuzco who huffed and stood up, scooting the chair back slightly.

It didn't take long for the door to open and in walked in the Elders both Kuzco and Pacha bowed when they came in, Elder Moleguaco and Elder Gizo took a seat while Elder Yupi and Elder Yzma held out their hand for both Kuzco and Pacha to kiss. "You can both sit." The Elder Yzma said tossing her dark black hair over her shoulder after she sat down, Kuzco glanced down at Pacha who nodded slightly so Kuzco sat down letting his hands rest in his laps.

"Thank you for letting us come so last-minute Emperor Pacha." Elder Gizo said looking at Pacha. "Thank you for allowing us to welcome you into the palace." Pacha bows his head towards Gizo who turns his nose up slightly, out of all the Elders it seemed that Gizo was the least uptight and Elder Yzma was the most uptight of them all.

"Moving on to why we're here after your shenanigans lately we thought it would be wise for us to come personally to walk you Emperor Kuzco to what will happen leading up to Prince Odinson's coronation." Elder Yzma explained looking at Kuzco with a look that made him want to squirm but he resisted the urge, he knew that Elder Yzma preyed on people by making them squirm, usually they would fold and give her whatever she wanted but Kuzco wasn't going to be like that. "Sorry Elder Yzma," Kuzco spoke, he held his head high.

Elder Yzma scoffed but continued talking like Kuzco never spoke. "We have planned for a ship to pick you up 2 days before the coronation, it shouldn't take you but one day but you need to socialize with the Prince beforehand, try to get into his good graces." Kuzco nodded licking his lips. "When do I need to try for the Peace Treaty?"

Elder Moleguaco coughed to bring the attention towards him. "You should be throwing Asgard compliments throughout your visit, lie if you have to. The day after his Coronation you should get him alone and bring it up, do not leave Asgard without this piece of paper signed." Elder Moleguaco slides a paper towards Kuzco, but Elder Moleguaco snatched it away again as he glanced at it.

"The real thing will be on the ship, you'll be given it when you leave the ship." Elder Moleguaco nodded his head. "All of this is what is best for Kuzcoian, I hope you understand that Kuzco." Elder Yupi said voice light, Kuzco nodded placing his hands on top of the table and connecting them.

Kuzco had a mission, and it seems like he couldn't fail even if he wanted to.

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