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Kuzco tried to slyly cover his mouth with his hand as he let out a yawn, he was sitting next to Loki who had sent him an amusing look as they watched the stifling of the yawn but Kuzco ignored them so he can try to focus on Odin

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Kuzco tried to slyly cover his mouth with his hand as he let out a yawn, he was sitting next to Loki who had sent him an amusing look as they watched the stifling of the yawn but Kuzco ignored them so he can try to focus on Odin.

He knows that Thor has been staring at him throughout the breakfast that Kuzco's been invited to but Kuzco ignored him, they had an agreement and Kuzco was going to honor it. Kuzco was lucky that Odin was saving the important stuff until they were alone and one-on-one so Kuzco hoped by the time Odin is ready for the meeting that Kuzco would be more awake. "So, Thor tells me that you like to read?" Frigga asks from her spot at the other head of the table, Kuzco was in the middle of drinking mead so the liquid went down his throat in the wrong way and he got choked. He coughed before he looked at Frigga apologetically. "My apologizes, I do like reading a lot." Kuzco resisted the urge to stare at Thor, he didn't even know that Thor talked to Frigga about him. "You should take a look at our fantastic libraries then. Have you had the chance?" Loki adds looking at Kuzco with a raised eyebrow.

Kuzco shook his head before running a hand through his hair. "Not yet, I haven't had the chance to explore much." Odin who was at the head of the table hummed. "Well, why doesn't Thor take you to the library? What's nothing better than two future kings getting to know each other?" Kuzco froze, he resisted the urge to correct his title but he realized that wouldn't be a good look, out of the corner of his eye he watched as Thor started to try and decline but one look from Odin made him shut up. "That's that then, Breakfast is dismissed, Thor take Kuzco to the libraries," Odin announced as he clapped his hands and people started taking their plates. Kuzco nodded as he scooted back, he tried to not think about how much food was left on the plate.

Thor looked like he was about to say but one glance from Odin quieted whatever it was, he sighed as he scooted the chair back and stood up facing Kuzco. "Shall we?" Thor plastered a smile on his face, Kuzco quickly nodded before standing up. Thor walked around towards him and made a gesture for Kuzco to keep going and follow Thor so he did. He couldn't help but flinch as the dining hall doors closed, he glanced at Thor but he didn't seem phased at all. "You don't look like you want to be here," Thor commented as he led them through the halls.

Kuzco opened his mouth before closing them trying to figure out what to say. "I do, I just don't want to be emperor. It wasn't what I had in the cards for myself, the elders don't like me and they don't like what I do. I wish more than anything that my sister could be emperor but that's not how things work on Kuzconian which is why it's going to end with me." Kuzco didn't know what made him open up to Thor because he still thought he was a big blonde asshole but he was so much easier to talk to than Kuzco realized he would be. Thor hummed in acknowledgment as he kept walking with Kuzco following him. "I fear that it won't be that easy but I wish you luck." Thor smiled plainly as he stopped in front of a tall gold door, Kuzco stepped back to admire it as he looked at it in shock.

"We have nothing like this on Kuzconian, this is gorgeous," Kuzco says giddily as he looks a Thor excited who just smirks at him, Thor nods to the guards the way by the door and they walk over and started to pull the handles, Kuzco gasps as he steps into the room. It was lined to the ceiling with books that looked even older than Asgard itself, each bookshelf had a ladder with a small platform on it going all the way up to the top. It looked daunting to Kuzco, he turned to Thor with shock in his eyes. "This is amazing, do you come here a lot? I have to imagine you do because this is incredible." Kuzco walks over to the bookshelves and runs his fingers over the spines of the different books.

"I actually don't come in here, Mother usually spends her time here. Sometimes Loki but they're usually with their latest lover." Kuzco notices that Thor speaks about Loki with fondness in his tone, a tone that Kuzco uses a lot to describe Chaca which makes Kuzco smile to think about it. "It's stunning nonetheless." The two of them elapsed in silence as Kuzco looked at all the books.

He pressed his lips together as he thought about the night before, he was starting to get his memories back and he remembered the blissful feeling and how wonderful Thor made him feel, he made him feel something that Kuzco has never been on the receiving end of before. "How much do you remember about last night?" Kuzco turns back around to face Thor who was now sitting on the sofa that was in the middle of the room. "All of it, and I don't regret it," Thor admitted as he stood up and started to walk towards Kuzco.

"You made me feel good, and I've never felt that way before." Kuzco gulped as Thor got closer to him but he didn't move. "I keep thinking about last night and I want to keep feeling this again." Kuzco groaned to himself after he admitted it, he showed weakness. Thor made him lose his guard, he let out a slight squeak as Thor grabbed him by the waist and kissed him harshly, it didn't take any time before Kuzco started to kiss back, his hands roaming Thor's hair. The gold light shining in from the windows onto the two of them, this was paradise.


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Kuzco: r we about to kiss rn?

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