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It was the day before Thor was crowned heir of Asgard, which meant that tomorrow Kuzco had to get the peace treaty signed so he could get off this forsaken realm

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It was the day before Thor was crowned heir of Asgard, which meant that tomorrow Kuzco had to get the peace treaty signed so he could get off this forsaken realm. At first, it was nice being surrounded by high ceilings and gold but Kuzco found himself missing the quaintness of Kuzconian, he missed being able to be surrounded by pottery that his people had made. Kuzco never thought he would miss it before but he is, he's still wanting to end the reign of Emperors on Kuzconian but he knew that it would be a long time coming before he could do that.

But before he could even think about all of that Kuzco had to do one last fitting, he had been obedient as the Asgardian tailors made sure what he brought was appropriate for the coronation but he knew that regardless of what they said, he would wear it anyway like the rebel he was. "I think we have finished, Emperor Kuzco would you like some help undressing?" One of the tailors asked, Kuzco sucked in a breath before shaking his head, and getting dressed in front of two women was enough for Kuzco for today. "I got it, you two are dismissed." Kuzco kindly said, he didn't like how he had to dismiss them but he knew that it was proper so Kuzco had to obey.

For a second Kuzco thought he saw the two tailors looked disappointed but as quick as it was there, it was gone. They bowed to him and turned to leave him alone, Kuzco flinch when the loud door rang closed. He turned to look at himself in the mirror and started to undress, he knew that if somewhere saw how he was haphazardly allowing the clothes to fall on the ground he would get yelled at but he didn't care, he would pick them up once he's done. Kuzco had finished taking his pants off when the door started to open, he let out a yelp before trying to grab the waistbands to pull his pants up. "You don't have to rush, I've seen your butt before." Thor's silky voice said, Kuzco turned red as he finished pulling up his pants but didn't bother to clasp them so the front opened but they didn't fall down.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" Kuzco was proud of himself that his voice didn't shake, he was surprised, to say the least, that Thor stopped by, he didn't expect to see him until tomorrow due to having to get ready and prepare. "Just came to say hello, don't stop undressing on my part." Thor was kinda smug as he walked forward towards Kuzco, he just rolled his eyes and did as Thor said and pushed his pants down before grabbing the ones he was wearing before he had to put on his outfit for tomorrow.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Kuzco asked Thor as he sat down on the bed looking at Thor was walking around the room looking at all the various objects that Kuzco had placed around the room. "I am, a little nervous of course but I'm finally going to become the next in line for King." Thor let out a satisfied sigh as he sat in the chair in the corner. Kuzco huffed out a laugh as he lifted his legs and laid sideways, propping himself on his elbow so he could see Thor. "And how do you think Loki thinks about this? I mean I can't imagine they would be happy about not being able to be the heir."

Thor sighed and ran his hand through his long blonde hair. "I am not sure if I am being honest, I've been so busy with preparing that I haven't had a chance to stop and think of Loki. I feel bad that I did that so thank you for bringing that to my attention." Kuzco rolled his eyes fondly before he moved so he was sitting up again. "Of course Thor, you can't be blamed for being busy, and don't forget that you're a good brother. You gave them what everyone wants in life, acceptance." Thor smiled and started to stand up when he pause and walked towards Kuzco, he was confused but he watched as Thor slipped his shoes off at the end of the bed he understood.

"Thor, we can't do this anymore. Tomorrow you aren't just going to be the Prince, but the heir." Kuzco tried to get the words out between him being flustered and watching as Thor took his shirt off and tossed it to the ground. "Exactly, doesn't that mean you should do what I want?" When Kuzco gave him a harsh look Thor quickly widened his eyes as he shook his head. "That's not what I mean at all, if you truly don't want to do it I will not force you." Thor stumbled over his words, Kuzco sighed as he stood up and walked towards Thor to help him take his pants off. "I know, I'm just worried. If someone caught us then it would be all ruined, my being here would be called into question because of the timing of your coronation. They would think it was all set up." Thor allowed himself to be maneuvered by Kuzco who had him lift his arms so Kuzco could take his shirt off.

"You and I both know that it wasn't, we weren't supposed to happen. This was an accident, but it was a good one." Kuzco smiled as he slipped off his shirt. "It is, but it's the last time," Kuzco instructs before he flips the two of them around and gently pushes Thor onto the bed.

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