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Kuzco sighed as he was swirled his cup of Kuzcioan mead around, he downed the last drop before standing

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Kuzco sighed as he was swirled his cup of Kuzcioan mead around, he downed the last drop before standing. He had to grab the side of his chair to stop himself from wobbling, luckily he was only in his room or else his Dad would find out or the Elders would find out either way someone would find out and it would be bad for Kuzco so, for now, he would stick to drinking in his room at least until after the coronation was over.

He slowly walked towards the mountain of books, he tripped over some that he had in piles on the floor. "I'll fix that later," Kuzco muttered thumbing over the spines of different books before he yanked out the one he was looking for, the yanking of the book caused a few of the books beside it to come flying off the self Kuzco had to step back quickly so his toes don't get smashed. Kuzco drunkley frowned at the fallen books, he shook his head and walked over towards the big couch chair he was sitting at before.

Since Kuzco was a part of the royal family compared to other parts of Kuzcoian, the palace has much better furniture than the rest of the world much comfier but that was one of the things that Kuzco wanted to change. Kuzco wanted to change a lot and he knew that it wouldn't make people happy. Kuzco put his legs under him before opening the book he grabbed, he placed the heavy book on the chair and looked through the table of contents. Thor Odinson, Page 153. This book was the only book that they had in Kuzcioan that was an Asgard original, the Elders had a trusted advisor go to Asgard and borrow it (steal) well when Kuzco found that out he borrowed it himself, the least he can do was learn about Asgard so he could look smart.

Kuzco carefully turned the pages until he got to the book, it told all about Thor from birth to now as it was taken before they could finish it. From what Kuzco understood they produced one of these books every time something special happened. Not finding what he wanted he went back to the table of contents, he ran his fingers over the page furrowing his brows when his fingers tugged on something uneven to the page.

Kuzco, much more sober now walked towards the small desk that was in his room. He grabbed a thin knife that he used to open letters and a magnifying glass, he tossed them onto the chair before walking towards his door and locking it. He glanced towards the dresser that was nearby and he decided to scoot it in front of the door, just in case anyone tried to come through.

He glanced at the open windows and walked towards them, he shut the biggest one before pulling the curtains closed now the only light Kuzco had was the lamp that was by the chair, it would do for now.

He grabbed the knife and used the magnifying glass to guide him, he let his knife run over the missing spot until it caught on what his finger was caught on. He gently used the knife to pry the piece of paper that was uncovering it, Hela Page 120. Kuzco furrowed his brows, he gently placed the knife and magnifying glass down before trying to find the page, nothing was there. 33 pages were missing, it went from 119 to 153. He shook his head and shoved the book away but it slides off the chair instead, he huffed and turned around to click the light off.

Kuzco was trying to look for something that wasn't there but instead, he got a whole lot of nothing, the book was useless. Kuzco realized the reason why the Elders had someone steal was so they can prove that something could be stolen from Asgard and they did prove it but then Kuzco stole it right back. His original plan was to return it right back to Asgard but he didn't really know if he should, his thought process was that someone would want to know how he got it then all peace treaties would be destroyed because the Elders ruined their chances and Kuzco had to go and make it right.

Kuzco suddenly smiled, it would ruin the peace treaty. Kuzco was going to return the book which would sabotage the peace treaty and then Kuzco would never have to go to Asgard again, he would never have to see the dumb face of an arrogant prince named Thor again.

Kuzco grabbed the Asgardian book from the floor and he walked towards his own personal bag, usually, the staff would pack his clothes but Kuzco always liked to take a bag of books mainly books that had to deal with plants. He stuffed the book into the bottom and placed the other books he already had packed on top, now no one would know that Kuzco had his own agenda.

An agenda that would ruin Kuzocian and Asgard's relations forever and if Kuzco told the Elders he did it then he would be barred from becoming Emperor which was all that Kuzco wanted, he could live out his days as a drunk gardener forever. Sure he wouldn't get to put the new policies that would make everything fair for the royal family along with the people of Kuzcoian but Kuzco was always a little on the selfish side.

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