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After asking Thor many times if he'll be fine by himself for a while, Kuzco made his way to the Council room

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After asking Thor many times if he'll be fine by himself for a while, Kuzco made his way to the Council room. He wanted to be the one to get to the room first, which wasn't something that happened often. Kuzco heard the heavy footsteps of Ipi who was Kuzco's guard for today, behind him. "Emperor, you don't come to the council meetings early. Is everything alright?" Ipi asks concern in his voice.

"Ipi, I've never been better." Kuzco turns around to face Ipi, he turns around and opens the door to the council room before Ipi can. "You don't need to stand out here, come inside." It was also something that didn't happen often, guards were permitted to stand outside the rooms but not today. Kuzco walks over to the Emperor's Throne usually occupied by Pacha, and takes a seat. He lets his arms rest comfortably on the armrests, he squeezes the ends feeling the leather under his fingers.

Kuzco admits his stance on being the Emperor has changed, especially since he'll have Thor by his side. One thing he hasn't changed his stance on was the Elders he's firm in his choice to take them down as soon as the Emperor's crown touches his head. He was mulling over the changes he wanted to implement when the door opens, his eyes snap in that direction to see Pacha looking at Kuzco in shock.

He presses his lips together in a wince preparing for whatever Pacha is going to say, but it never comes. Instead, Pacha walks over and pulls out the seat next to Kuzco on his left and gives Kuzco a proud smile. "You're ready aren't you?" Pacha asks softly, Kuzco licks his lips before giving him a nod with a small smile. If Pacha was going to say anything else, it was stopped by the door opening.

Kuzco's hands began to sweat as he stayed seated watching the Elders file into the room. It was against procedure but Kuzco didn't care. "Kuzco that's the Emperor's seat." Elder Yzma stated the obvious with her nose turned up at him. "I know, I thought it was okay for me to sit in it considering my coronation is 2 days away." Kuzco stared at Elder Yzma unflinching.

She huffs as she walks over to sit in her seat that the Elders Servants pulled out for them. "All servants and guards are permitted to stand outside the room." Elder Gizo's eyes flicker towards Ipi who was standing behind Kuzco on his right side. "Not anymore," Kuzco stated without any more explanation. He watched as all the Elders realized Kuzco's tone that's been using. "You need your tone, that's enough." Elder Yzma pointed at Kuzco who had to resist the urge to roll his eyes.

"I called this meeting today to officially my marriage to Thor Odinson of Asgard. I need to set up the proceedings for tomorrow." Kuzco stated leaning forward and putting his clasped hands on the table in front of him. The reactions were mixed, but Kuzco glanced at Pacha who gave him a proud nod.

"You can't do this, he's a man." Elder Yzma protested. "Yzma, you know our laws about that. It says nothing that Emperor Kuzco can't marry a man." Elder Yupi spoke in defense of Kuzco. "But he's the Emperor who's seconds away from being forced to step down. Emperors need heirs to continue the line." Elder Yzma looked at Kuzco like he had lost his mind.

Kuzco smiled and looked at the Elder Yzma like he was talking to a child. "Elder Yzma, not only are there other ways to have children but if Thor and I decide to not have kids then I'll pass the Realm over to Chaca's children if she so chooses." He condescendingly says, Elder Yzma scoffs. "Are you sure, sire? Elder Yzma's correct in her worries and it sounds like Prince Odinson would be off running Asgard. That's not what a consort does." The Elder Moleguaco says, Kuzco didn't know if was out of concern or not.

"Regent Consort." Confused looks are thrown at Kuzco. "Thor will be the King of Asgard one day, which doesn't just make him a consort, it makes him a Regent Consort. I know for a fact we had one in the past so don't try to tell me he can't, because he can and to answer your question Elder Moleguaco. Thor doesn't need to be by my side every second of every day, he has a Realm to run of his own and you all wanted a peace treaty to be signed. Isn't a marriage better? I'm not asking for permission, I'm going to marry Thor tomorrow and then I'm going to be crowned Emperor. I know some of you don't like me." Kuzco's eyes flicker towards Elder Yzma who has the nerve to look surprised, like she was supposed to be hiding it. "I don't care, I didn't want this but Thor... He made me want it, his love for his family made me realize that I can't let our Realm down. I'm going to bring change, you can either follow me or you don't."

Once Kuzco finished his speech he sat back down, he took some calming breaths to help ground him back. "I think I speak for everyone here that we're going to follow you. You're making the right choice for you, and I'm proud of you for that. I know Chica would be proud too." Pacha leans over and squeezes Kuzco's arm in a gesture of comfort and action which Kuzco smiled at.

A second passed before Kuzco stood up quickly and clapped his hands to bring attention to himself. "Now, let's plan the marriage ceremony."


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