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Kuzco walked out of Pacha's office thinking about Thor, if he closed his eyes it was like he was back in the room with Thor. He let out a stuttering breath, as he was he suddenly stopped before turning around to face Topo who was following him for protection. "I'm going to the library to pick up some healing books. You can follow me if you wish but I will not keep a slow pace so you must keep up if you wish to follow me." Kuzco didn't give Topo a chance to respond, instead, he turned around and started walking towards the gate of the palace.

He heard the sound of knights boots hitting the ground and knew that Topo was following him, he had a slight smile on his face. He swiftly avoided bumping into the staff and the other guards walking around the palace. Kuzco crossed his arms as he walked letting the sound of his feet under the cobblestone send himself on autopilot.

The smile grew on his face when his hand touched the door of the library, he pushed in and walked in. He didn't have to look behind him to know that Topo stopped outside guarding the door rather than hovering over him. "Oh! Healer Ocllo, what a pleasant surprise." Kuzco saw the old women looking over the books in the medical section. "Kuzco darling! I haven't seen you in the temple in a while, figured you learned all you could from me." Ocllo's eyes sparkled with mischief, she was one of the few people who treated Kuzco like a regular person not as if he was the Emperor of a whole planet. "You know more than I could ever learn, I'm actually here to grab some books to study some."

Ocllo's eyes sparkled again, her frail hand grasped Kuzco's arm and pulled him to a few sections away from where they were standing before. For an old woman, Ocllo had incredible strength which told Kuzco from the minute they met when Kuzco was 7 suns old that he didn't want to defy her. "This one, and this one." Ocllo grabbed two different books off the shelf and handed them to Kuzco who almost dropped them under their weight. "Thank you Ocllo." Kuzco gave the healer a parting kiss on the cheek before turning around and walking through the door, his body brushing the cloth away. "Where to next Emperor?" Topo asks when Kuzco stepped outside away from the doorway.

Kuzco hummed as he thought it over, he could go back to his room or he could go to the gardens where he felt almost the most at home. "Let's go to the gardens shall we?" Kuzco saw Topo give half a nod so Kuzco figured that was enough permission as any to take the path to the gardens. When Kuzco could feel the books slipping he hefted them higher, his arms were straining from under their weight. He knew that he could ask Topo to carry them but he was determined to do it himself.

He licked his lips as he walked towards the gardens, he could see the entrance in the distance which brought a smile to his face. "Emperor." Kuzco heard repeated as he walked followed by bows, Kuzco smiled tensely at them but didn't acknowledge them any further, but he was upset by what he saw. Their people were sleeping outside of houses because they couldn't afford to buy them and he knows that was all the Elder's doing. And it's a reminder of why he's going to be emperor, to take down the Elders.

Before Kuzco knew it he reached the Gardens, he walked further before stopping at a small fountain, he sighed when he realized that Topo had followed him into the Gardens. "Seriously?" Kuzco stared at Topo who shrugged watching as Kuzco placed the books on a bench and took a seat next to them. "I'm just following orders Emperor." Kuzco resisted the urge to bite back, he knew that Topo was only following orders but that doesn't make it easier.

He let out a sigh as he picked up one of the books and placed it across his lap, opening it to the first page. He ran his fingers along the page, it was all crinkly from the years of being read. He was quietly reading when a cough interrupted him, his brows furrowed as he looked up to see Elder Yzma standing in front of him. Kuzco let out a small size and closed its book putting it aside before looking at the Elder smiling at her. "Elder Yzma, what a nice surprise." Kuzco knew that he oozed faux happiness but he couldn't bring himself to care, he just wanted the Elder to go away so he can keep reading.

"I bet it is, I was just coming to see if you know about the clause we told Emperor Pacha about that has to happen before your coronation of becoming Emperor." Instantly Kuzco stiffened at her words, but he managed to nod stiffly. "He did, and I have agreed." Kuzco was aware that he had no choice but to agree but seeing the look on Yzma's face was worth it.

"Well, as it says in the clause you can pick the match of course as this is going to be a marriage that will last for the rest of your life. However, I do hope you'll pick one that will be able to carry heirs." Elder Yzma responded with a tilt of her chin. Kuzco felt the anger rise in him, he stood up quickly to face the Elder. "I think you'll find the match I choose will be based on my feelings for them. Not what's in their undergarments." Kuzco crossed his arms as he stared at the Elder, who just scoffed and turned to walk out of the gardens living Kuzco alone with his books once again.

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