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They ended up finding Topo and Ipi instructed him to help escort Kuzco to Kronk's farm, no matter that Kuzco was an adult who can decide for himself but whenever he tried to dismiss the need for Topo to come with, he was silenced by a stare by Ipi...

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They ended up finding Topo and Ipi instructed him to help escort Kuzco to Kronk's farm, no matter that Kuzco was an adult who can decide for himself but whenever he tried to dismiss the need for Topo to come with, he was silenced by a stare by Ipi that could rival Pacha's. However they ended up coming to the comprise that Kuzco would lead rather than Ipi or Topo, they were confused at first stating what was the point of guards to prevent Kuzco from danger, but they understood a bit somewhat reluctantly when Kuzco explained his reasoning.

Kuzco squinted and brought his hand over his eyes to block the heat that was radiating from Inti in the sky. "Emperor Kuzco! It's an honor to have you." A man's voice spoke quickly as Kuzco stepped onto the property, he lowered his hand from his eyes just in time to see the farmer bow in respect. "Of course, am I right in assuming you're Kronk?" Kuzco rubbed a hand over his trimmed beard as he followed Kronk through the farm. "I am, I can't believe the Emperor knows my name," Kronk said the last part under his breath but he was still loud enough that Kuzco cracked a smile when he heard him.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Kuzco looks towards Kronk once he leads them to the spot of the burned crops. "Well, it was late so Mama Quilla was out and very bright. I was about to get in bed for the night when I saw this bright light coming from the window like it was right there. Then I heard a boom like something hit the ground hard. However when I ran outside didn't see anything, only the marking but whatever it was ruined my crops." Kronk pouted for a second before he remembered that he was in front of royalty, Kuzco cracked another smile when he watched Kronk straighten his back quickly.

He didn't respond to Kronk, Kuzco walked to the edge of the burned crops and squatted down before touching the ground where the crops once stood. Something about whatever was burned into the ground felt familiar to Kuzco, but he didn't know how. Kuzco tilted his head as he stood back up, he was thinking about standing on something to get a better vantage point to see if it was a symbol when he heard a hoarse voice call his name. "Kuzco?"

Kuzco looked around confused, he heard Ipi and Topo both unsheathe their weapons and rush towards Kuzco pushing him behind the two guards. "Come out slowly!" Topo called out voice strong, Kuzco was on guard but that guard dropped when he saw familiar blonde hair. "Thor." Kuzco softly said before he stepped around Ipi and pushed the sword down.

"Emperor, what are you doing?" Ipi protested but followed Kuzco's orders. "I know him, he's not going to hurt me." Kuzco licked his lips before abandoning Ipi and Topo in favor of walking closer to Thor who had started walking to him slowly with his hands up to show the guards he meant no harm. "How are you here?" Is the first thing that Kuzco says to him when they reach each other, Thor looks down for a second and when he lifts his head Kuzco can see tears shining in his eyes. "Loki's dead." Kuzco's breath caught in his throat, it was no secret that Kuzco didn't love Loki but he never wished this on his lover.

"Come on, we can talk about it in my quarters." Kuzco grabbed Thor's hand and started to walk towards the guards, Thor tensed when they got closer and neither Ipi nor Topo faltered their grips on their weapons. "I know what caused the burning of the crops, Ipi, I want you to tell Pacha that Thor is here and he's my guest. If Father has a problem with that, let me know. After that have one of the women send some hot water to my quarters." Kuzco rubbed his thumb over Thor's hand. "Topo, I want you to stay here and tell the farmer that we will give him the resources to fix his land, and tell him that the Emperor is very sorry but he had other things to attend to." Kuzco was surprised at how easily the soon-to-be title slipped out of his mouth, but the two guards listened all the same.

They moved out of the way so Kuzco can walk Thor down the path up to the palace. "Kuzconian is beautiful," Thor muttered as Kuzco squeezed his hand tighter, almost like he couldn't believe he was real. "Thank you, I'm going to be Emperor soon." Kuzco smiled for the first time while saying those words, it felt like with Thor here everything was falling into place. "I know I have no right, but can I stay here?" Thor asked as he pulled to a stop keeping Kuzco from walking any further. "Of course, and if you'd like... you can stay in my quarters."

Thor's eyes shined with a glimmer of happiness under the sadness that Kuzco could see was on the surface. "I'd like that."


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Emperor's New Groove || Thor Odinson ✓Where stories live. Discover now