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Kuzco was bored, he usually was bored anytime he was in the palace but certainly today because Pacha called him in for a meeting with some advisors, not as important as the Elders but it was important enough for Kuzco to be there

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Kuzco was bored, he usually was bored anytime he was in the palace but certainly today because Pacha called him in for a meeting with some advisors, not as important as the Elders but it was important enough for Kuzco to be there.

Kuzco winces when Pacha kicks him in the shin, Kuzco gives him a look but Pacha interrupts him by saying something. "Do you have any questions son?" Pacha asks smiling like he didn't hurt Kuzco seconds before. "No." Kuzco raised his eyebrow looking at Pacha, he didn't know if he should have any questions. "Okay, thank you, Tipo. I'll keep in touch." Pacha silently gestured to Kuzco so he quickly stood up as well. "Please do, Emperor Kuzco has someone get back to me about your measurements for your ceremonial cloak." Kuzco bowed in acknowledgment.

All this talk about Thor's coronation he almost forgot about his own, it would take place right after Thor's if Kuzco had to guess getting the peace treaty signed was like a try out to see if Kuzco could be the Emperor but jokes on them Kuzco planned to botch it. "Whatever you're scheming about, stop it," Pacha growled at Kuzco who jumped, he was so focused on his thoughts that he didn't realize that Tipo left while he was thinking. "I'm not doing anything," Kuzco whined like a kid.

Pacha glared at Kuzco who slowly sat down. "I know you Kuzco, either you plan on messing up your coronation or Thor's you are up to something. You've never wanted to be Emperor and you've always hated the Elders, they're asking you to do this one thing. Please do it Kuzco, without complaint." Kuzco turned his nose up and put his hand on his chest in faux hurt. "Me? Messing things up? Where even would you get that idea?" Kuzco scoffed and stood up. Pacha rolled his eyes and stood up, he walked towards Kuzco and put his hands on his arms.

"You know your Mom would be proud of you right? I'm sorry that I've been stressed to the max since she died, It's just put things in perspective. How unprepared you are, I know that you don't want this but it's in our blood." Kuzco nodded smiling but on the inside, it was a different story, he felt bad that he planned on burning all this down fugitively of course but he wasn't running Kuzconian and he knew for a fact Chica would not be proud of him. If she was still alive Kuzco isn't even sure if he would be fighting about being the Emperor but he is now. "I know Dad, just take it easy, please." Kuzco squeezes Pacha's shoulder before turning around and leaving his Dad in his office by himself. Malina was waiting outside the office by the door, she automatically turned towards Kuzco and waved. "Hello, Emperor Kuzco, good meeting?" Malina's voice cuts out a little bit on the word meeting, that must mean she needs a tuneup Kuzco thinks to himself. "It was fine, what is Chaca doing today?" Kuzco asks.

Another reason why Kuzco thinks Malina was created by the Elders to spy on the royal family, Malina keeps track of their schedule so she knows where each one of the family members is at any time in the day. "She should be finishing up with her lute lesson right now Emperor Kuzco, she also has painting class in a few hours." Kuzco nodded and placed his hands together in a clasped position. "Thank you, Malina. Can you send her to my room once she's finished?" Malina looked above Kuzco, Kuzco knew what she was doing that was how she processed information. Malina turned back towards Kuzco and blinked before shaking her head, Kuzco's brows furrowed he was about to open his mouth to ask why when a voice piped up behind him. "Here I am, what did you need?" Chaca said right behind Kuzco making him flinched, groaning he turned around. Kuzco thought about pushing her but figured he would be the bigger person and do it later when they were sitting on his bed so no one would see.

"Just wanted to see you, how was lute practice?" As a part of the royal family everyone had to pick one instrument and learn it, Kuzco never wanted to do it so eventually, the teachers gave up but Chaca chose the lute and she loved it. "It was fun, if we go to your room can you tell me about your meeting with Dad?" Kuzco was going to say no but he felt bored and he wanted to talk to someone other than Pacha or someone important to the life of Kuzconian.

Instead of speaking Kuzco nodded and walked towards his room with Chaca and Malina walking behind him, before Malina could reach the door Kuzco opened it the AI looked at Kuzco confused before taking her spot in front his door and going into rest mode.

"She's so creepy to me Kuzco," Chaca said once Kuzco closed the door behind them. "I think she was made by the Elders to spy on us," Kuzco smirked as he flopped onto his bed wincing when Chaca did the same and her elbow hit his ribs. "You always think the Elders are out to get you, sure Elder Yzma is a little scary but they all want you to succeed."

"Do you want to hear about the meeting or not?" Kuzco squints his eyes propping himself on one hand. "Of course!" Chaca squeaked sitting up cross-legged.

Kuzco smirked and explained what happened during the meeting, Kuzco wouldn't tell Chaca about his plan with the book because one of two things that could happen the most common would be that Chaca would convince him to not do it and tell someone the other thing that could happen would be Chaca might want to join him and Kuzco doesn't want that, he doesn't want to drag his sister into his problems.

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