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Kuzco had snuck out, he wasn't one to be holed in his room waiting for something to happen so he explored

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Kuzco had snuck out, he wasn't one to be holed in his room waiting for something to happen so he explored. He had gotten lost until he saw Thor standing in front of a knocked-over table, even from where he is he could see Thor's chest raise up and down quickly like he was panting. "Thor?" Kuzco coughed loudly to grab Thor's attention, the Prince raised his head and looked at Kuzco in shock before his shoulders dropped.

"Kuzco, hello. I thought you would be in your quarters." Thor sighed as he walked up the stairs behind him and took a seat. "I was, but then I snuck out. What happened?" Kuzco presses his lips together as he sits next to Thor on the steps. "I- I can't tell you." Instead of pushing Thor, Kuzco nods and takes his hand. He knows that he shouldn't listen to his heart which is telling him that it's okay to be in love with Thor, but Kuzco isn't someone who people are in love with, Thor needs comfort so he ignores everything that is telling him to stop and just tries to be there for Thor.

"The Frost Giants broke into the vault downstairs," Thor explains tightening the grip on Kuzco's hand. "This was in violation of the so-called truce that All-Father made with the King. I wanted to fight, I still want to fight. They could've stolen the weapons and who knows what would've happened then, but All-Father won't let me go. I want to teach them a lesson because this was an act of war, and to top it all off he said I wasn't the king. I know that of course, I do but this is all I've been working for since I was a child, this is what I trained for." Thor was heaving with anger once he was done.

"You're thinking from anger, you are really angry right now. Someone went into your home and ruined your coronation so you have a right to be angry but if you do something from anger it could ruin the truce that the All-Father set up. You need to just take a breath." Thor looked at Kuzco surprised like he didn't know that Kuzco had all this secret wisdom inside of him.

"He's right brother, you are angry which you have a right to be but you need to take a moment to gather your bearings." Loki came out from behind the pillar and sat next to Thor on the other side of him. "Neither of you understands, this was supposed to be my day of triumph." A flash of hurt crosses over Loki's face, but as quick as it appears, it's gone. "It'll come, in time"

Kuzco nods in agreement with Loki, he grabs Thor's hand and squeezes it. Whatever was going to be said next was interrupted by a new voice along with sets of footsteps. "What's this?" Kuzco watches as Loki takes a sharp inhale before they speak lowly to Thor but Kuzco could hear it. "If it's any consolation, I think you're right. About the Frost Giants, about Laufey, about everything. If they found a way to penetrate Asgard's defenses once, who's to say they won't try again? Next time with an army." Thor nods in agreement quickly.

Kuzco stares at Sif who was watching the three of them, he licks his lips as he watches Volstagg pick up a platter of food. "There's nothing you could do without defying Father." Kuzco's eyes went wide as he placed a hand on Thor's leg. "Thor, you can't." Thor shook off the hand and stood up to look at both Loki and Kuzco. "It's the only way to ensure the safety of our borders."

Kuzco shakes his head quickly. "Thor, it's madness." Kuzco looked at Loki worried. "Madness? What sort of madness?" Volstagg looks towards the three of them, Kuzco closes his eyes quickly before letting out a sigh. "We're going to Jotunheim."

Volstagg scoffs. "What?" Behind him, Fandral nods. "This isn't like a journey to Earth where you summon a little lighting and thunder, and the mortals worship you as a god. This is Jotunheim." Kuzco watches as Thor shakes his head slightly, Kuzco crosses his arms from his spot behind Thor. "My father fought his way into Jotunheim, defeated their armies, and took their Casket. We would just be looking for answers." Beside Kuzco, Loki placed their head in their hands sighing.

"It is forbidden!" Sif yells out, Thor just chuckles before he starts to walk toward his friends. "My friends, have you forgotten all that we have done together? Fandral, Hogun. Who led you into the most glorious of battles?" Thor looks at Hogun with a raised eyebrow. "You did."

Thor nods before moving towards Volstagg. "And Volstagg, to delicacies so succulent, you thought you'd died and gone to Valhalla?" Thor smirks at Volstagg who laughs and nods. "You did." Thor nods satisfied with his answer before looking at Sif. "And who proved wrong all who scoffed at the idea that a young maiden could be one of the fiercest warriors this realm has ever known?"

Sif raises an eyebrow as she answers. "I did." Thor pauses before shrugging and nodding. "True, but I supported you, Sif. My friends, we're going to Jotunheim." Kuzco sucks in a deep breath, he watches as the warriors three and Sif nod before walking out of the room to start getting armor and weapons.

Kuzco presses his lips together as he watches Thor start to leave, Kuzco stops him by putting a hand on his forearm and squeezing lightly. "Thor, be careful, please." Thor's brows furrow together as he looks at Kuzco confused. "You aren't coming with?" Kuzco shakes his head as he rubs Thor's forearm. "I can't Thor, I'm sorry but it's too risky for me to go with. Loki is gonna go with you right?" Kuzco and Thor both look toward Loki who nods quickly. "Of course, I can't let my brother do it alone right?" Kuzco chuckles dryly before looking back toward Thor. "See, come back alright?"

Thor nods slightly before brushing a kiss across Kuzco's cheek an action which makes Kuzco suck in a breath as he watches Thor and Loki leave him in the room alone.

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