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Kuzco was counting down the days until the trip, he kept lifting his personal bag to see if it still had the Asgard book in it it did but Kuzco was worried that someone would see it poking out

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Kuzco was counting down the days until the trip, he kept lifting his personal bag to see if it still had the Asgard book in it it did but Kuzco was worried that someone would see it poking out. He couldn't worry about that right now, Pacha was making him go through one last dress rehearsal before his own coronation it would be the last one considering he would be leaving in two days trip to Asgard tomorrow.

Contrary to popular belief Kuzco didn't like to dress up in fancy jewels and fabric, he preferred his usual outfit with his sword attached to his hip but he wasn't allowed to wear that while he was being crowned emperor of the Kuzconian Realm, he wasn't even allowed to bring it to Asgard but he did plan on sneaking a dagger to Asgard because he wouldn't feel like himself if he didn't bring a weapon and Kuzco always loved a little rule-breaking.

Kuzco raised his head when he heard knocking at his door. "Come in!" Kuzco yelled looking back down at the book he was holding and turned the page after licking his finger for better grip. "Hello, Emperor Pacha said he's ready for you in the royal dressing room," Malina said folding their hands together and bowing at Kuzco. Kuzco resisted the urge to roll his eyes or groan, he smiled and nodded at Malina. "Thank you, can you tell me who all is going to be in the room?" Kuzco asks as he sets the book aside and folds the page so it marks where he was at.

Malina looks up and pauses before staring back at Kuzco with a smile. "Emperor Pacha, Chaca, Elder Yzma and Elder Gizo." Kuzco smiled looking away from Malina quickly so he could turn his nose up at the thought of Yzma critiquing him. Out of all the elders, Kuzco hated her the most because no matter what Kuzco did she would never be pleased grated Kuzco didn't do a lot of good things concerning the crown but that was because he never asked for this. "I couldn't help but notice that in the list of Names that you said you aren't on the list." Kuzco watches as Malina's eyes glaze before turning towards Kuzco. "I'm not allowed, my orders are to stand outside the door and keep guard," Malina said before stopping in front of the door and opening it for Kuzco.

Kuzco was about to spin around and thank her when she closed the door quickly, he frowned when his ears echoed the loud bang it made. He shook his head and walked towards where the mannequin was set up. A cough alerted him that he wasn't alone, he turned around slowly to see Elder Yzma holding her hand out no doubt waiting for Kuzco to kiss it in greeting. "My apologizes Elders, I was just excited to see my no doubt wonderful outfit," Kuzco said in as much faux positivity he can deal with and by the look that he saw Pacha give him out of the corner of his eye, Pacha knew that it was fake. "Well, don't let it happen again." Elder Yzma wiped her hand on her cloth after Kuzco kissed it. She waved her hand towards the robe which was a motion that told Kuzco to go ahead and get ready.

Kuzco opened his mouth and looked at his Dad who shooed him along to get dressed. Kuzco sighed and walked behind the partition and started to undress. He smirked at the woman staff who was tasked with helping him get dressed something Kuzco hated but he made it more fun for himself by making whoever was helping them blush and this time he succeed. "Stop flirting and get out here," Chaca yelled making Kuzco chuckle, he heard Pachaa scold her but Kuzco knew it wouldn't work because she would do it next time too.

Kuzco sighed and smoothed the robe out before walking around the blind, Chaca gasped and let out a squeal while he saw Pacha had tears in his eyes. "You look fine, you're going to make a great Emperor." Elder Gizo said smiling meanwhile Elder Yzma look less than impressed. "Need to do something about the shaggy hair." Kuzco yanked his hair away from Elder Yzma who pressed her hand on her heart like Kuzco said something insulting if only Kuzco could. "I like my hair, thank you." It was true, Kuzco did like his hair. It was a memory from his Mom playing with his hair and always telling him that his hair was wonderful.

Elder Yzma scoffed and bowed before turning around and walking out of the room with Elder Gizo trailing behind her. "I'm proud of you, that was badass," Chaca said once they were sure Elder Yzma and Elder Gizo were out of earshot. "I'm not proud that you spoke your mind against at the Elder's but I really couldn't care at the moment." Pacha sighed and walked towards Kuzco, he lifted his hands and brushed the fallen hair strands behind his ears.

"Your Mom would be so proud of you guys, I wish she was alive to see this." Pacha didn't often talk about Chica but every time he did it would always bring tears to the siblings' eyes, they all missed their Mother and they wished she was still here to share this moment with them. "I wish she was too but she would be proud of us Dad, you know that right?" Chaca says putting her hand on Pacha's arm and squeezing comfortingly.

Pacha sniffed and chuckled wetly, he brought his hands towards his face and brushed the tears out of his eyes before he used his finger to wipe away the tears on Kuzco's face that were threatening to fall. "Come on hon, we need to get this off before we accidentally rip it or something." Pacha chuckled and had Kuzco turn around so he and Chaca can help him undress. "Are you nervous about me going to Asgard?" Kuzco asks shrugging his arms out of the robe.

"Yes, I haven't let you out of my sight in a long time but I know you'll be protected and surrounded by people who can defend you," Pacha says bringing the robe towards the mannequin and putting it making sure it stayed. "Make sure to tell the hot prince Thor I had said Hi," Chaca added smirking at Kuzco who turned his mouth up in disgust. "Not a chance, you're too good for him."


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