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Kuzco grabbed a hair tie and tied his hair up before sorting through the outfits that his staff laid out on his bed to pick from

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Kuzco grabbed a hair tie and tied his hair up before sorting through the outfits that his staff laid out on his bed to pick from. "All of these are good to take." Kuzco pointed at the pile on his left, the worker nodded and grabbed the pile, and started to fold it while someone else put it in his bag. "That pile, I don't want to take with me. I don't need that many clothes, I won't be there that long." The clothes his staff picked out were enough clothes for a brand new outfit a day but Kuzco was only staying for a full week according to the Kuzconian calendar. "If you say so Emperor Kuzco, Elder Yzma wanted you to have plenty of outfits to choose from." Another staff member said looking at Kuzco with a smile.

"Well Elder Yzma isn't here is she!" Kuzco barks making the staff member jump and look to the ground quickly ashamed. "I'm sorry, that was wrong of me. I'm just under a lot of stress right now but that's no excuse." Kuzco apologized once more before sending everyone out of his room, groaning he placed his head in his head after he sat down on the large chair in his room.

He shouldn't have blown up at his staff, they're already treated badly by the Elders and they didn't need that behavior from the royal family. Plus he needed to be careful who he blew up at about the Elders, they have heard of rumors of people wanting to revolt against the royal family and push the Elders into power even they pretty much are already are in power behind the scenes it does go along with Kuzco's plan but he would like to be far away from the Kuzconian Realm before that happens preferably with Pacha and Chaca with him as well but he couldn't think about that right now because he was living for Asgard in a few hours.

A knock sounded on his door, Kuzco furrowed his brows before lifting his head. "Come in?" Kuzco wasn't expecting anyone but who knows who it will be, could be his sister or Dad but they were supposed to be sending him off later. His questions were answered when Malina walks through the door with Pacha trailing behind her with a sad look on his face. "I'll be standing guard outside," Malina said smiling off into space before walking back out the door slamming it close. "Hi, nothing is wrong," Pacha said quickly sitting next to Kuzco on the big chair.

"Then why did you look sad when you came into my room?" Kuzco asks leaning back so his head was pillowed on Pacha's shoulder who also was leaning back. "I'm worried about you, not just day today because I'm you Dad but this is the first time you're leaving the Realm without me or Mom. I'm just scared." Pacha sighs pressing a kiss into Kuzco's hair. Kuzco gulps before tightening his grip on his Dad's arm. "I'm scared too, but I can do this. I wouldn't do it if I wasn't ready, not sure if I had much choice, to be honest, but I can do this." Kuzco is slightly regretting his plan to sabotage the peace treaty but this would be his only way to get out of ruling the Kuzconian Realm. "Well, I got to say most people think you'll mess up." Kuzco scoffs and rolls his eyes at what Pacha says but he keeps talking. "But I don't. I know you will do great." A pit forms in Kuzco's stomach, but he pastes on a smile and nods at Pacha. "Thanks, Dad, I know that I wouldn't be able to do it without you."

Before anyone could say anything else they heard another knock at the door. "Come in," Pacha yells sitting up slightly so he could look more professional. "I'm sorry, the pilot says they're ready for you Emperor Kuzco." Malina sounds apologetic, well as much as a robot could sound apologetic. "Already?" Kuzco says confused, he turns to look at the clock on his wall and sure enough, it was time for him to go, he turned to Pacha and shrugged. He walked over to pick up his bag with the giant Asgardian book in it before he saw Malina frowning. "I would like to carry this one but I have that bag of clothes you could get if you would like." Malina smiled and walked towards the bag that his staff packed earlier and picked it up, to anyone else it would look to be too heavy for Malina but she's stronger than the average Kuzconian.

The walk towards the take-off dock was quiet between the three of them, a few times Kuzco thought about saying something to Pacha but he kept quiet not wanting to ruin any moment they had previously. Kuzco gulped when he saw the line of people wanting to watch him get on the ship, it was like a spectacle was made out of his departure which Kuzco wouldn't disagree with considering this whole thing was for the peace treaty. "So the Elders instructed me to tell you not to speak to anyone but them, Emperor Pacha and Miss Chaca, got it?" A staff member instructed firmly, Kuzco looked at him wide-eyed before nodding quickly.

The staff leads them towards the staff who shake hands with Kuzco and wish him well. "Don't mess this up." Elder Yzma says firmly, Kuzco hardens his face and nods. He tried to hold back the tears when he reached his Sister. "Be safe, I need my big bro," Chaca said before wrapping her arms around Kuzco and hugging him tightly, with Kuzco's bag strapped to him he could put his arms around Chaca and he kissed her on the cheek before turning around and hugging Pacha tightly. "I love you, I'm going to make you proud." Kuzco lied smiling through the guilt he was feeling for lying to Pacha.

"No, make Chica proud," Pacha said rubbing Kuzco on the arm before directing him towards the ship, Kuzco's stomach dropped. If he could feel any more guilt he would be feeling it, he felt like he could throw up but he would rather save that for when he's on the ship because right now he has to put on face and pretend to be something he doesn't want to be.

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