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Kuzco's hands sweat as he hears the sound of the crowd cheering getting louder and louder as the ship gets closer to the landing area

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Kuzco's hands sweat as he hears the sound of the crowd cheering getting louder and louder as the ship gets closer to the landing area. He pats his bag before he stands up from his seat and stands next to the door, he holds onto the wall as the ship starts to descend. "Are you ready?" Topo asks from beside Kuzco, he licks his lips before nodding. "I am." It was a lie but it was one that Topo needed to hear because if Kuzco said anything else he would questions, ones that Kuzco didn't think he had an answer for.

When the ship doors opened, Kuzco first winced from the light of their sun. He hardened his face into a smile that his family knew was a mix of a grimace but he knew that none of the people would know so he grinned harshly as he stepped out of the ship with Topo's help, the other guards made the citizens step back as Pacha came up to him first. His father placed his hands on his shoulders before hugging him quickly, he flinched in Pacha's arms when the crowd erupted into loud cheers. "I'm okay," Kuzco assured Pacha quietly before he let go, he gave Kuzco a half nod before stepping aside to let Chaca hug her brother tightly, unlike with Pacha, Kuzco hugged back tightly as he missed the comfort that Chaca gave him.

"I missed you," Chaca whispered before giving Kuzco one last squeeze before letting go, all Kuzco could do was smile at Chaca. Luckily Pacha decided to take the attention off of Kuzco by letting out a loud cough which silenced the Citizens that were crowding around them. "Now, I know we are all glad to have Kuzco home but the elders want to see him." Pacha smiled at everyone before he gestured for Kuzco to start following him.

Kuzco's breath caught in his throat but he allowed himself to be led by Pacha toward the palace where he knew that the Elders were waiting. His hands gripped the strap of his bag tightly, he wanted to complain but it was stuck in his throat. He couldn't get the words out to protest, he saw that Chaca kept giving him odd looks but every time they locked eyes Kuzco would quickly advert his eyes knowing that it was not her business and he isn't ready to get into what happened on Asgard. The guards that were posted by the doors of the palace opened them swiftly and the royal family walked through the doors, when the doors behind them closed Kuzco allowed himself to relax slightly. He knew that he wasn't free because he had to talk to the Elders but maybe he could convince Pacha to hold them off for a little bit.

"Father-" Kuzco was cut off by Pacha turning around swiftly and holding a hand up to silence him. "No, they want you to meet with them. They told me to bring you as soon as you got off of the ship, I'm sorry but I can't stall for you, not anymore." Pacha nodded at his guards and they kept walking, Kuzco rubbed his face as he let out a sigh. All he wanted was to lay day but maybe it was a good thing, maybe it was best that Kuzco could just get it over with.

As they got closer to the room where the Elders were waiting Kuzco could feel the butterflies flying around his stomach, he clenched the bag handle tighter so harshly that he saw his fingertips turn whiteish, he didn't loosen his grip until he sat down beside Pacha who was at the head of the table.

The guards opened the doors of the room and all four heads turned to meet Kuzco's eyes which made him have to suppress a shiver. "Ah! Welcome back Emperor Kuzco." Elder Yupi said with a smile, Kuzco bowed his head at her before he walked around the table and sat at the chair that the guard pulled out for him, he loosened his grip on his bag and he let it slide to the ground next to him. "Did you do what we asked?" Elder Yzma questioned as she looked at Kuzco with a steeled look.

Kuzco resisted the urge to say something about getting right down to business, instead, he reached into his bag and grabbed the peace treaty before sliding it over to the Elders to look over. "Why is this not signed by Thor Odinson? It's signed by the All-Father himself." Elder Gizo raised an eyebrow at Kuzco wanting him to explain. Kuzco took a deep breath before looking the Elders in the eye.

"There was an incident on Asgard and Thor Odinson was banished, I was surprised to find out that before I left without the peace treaty signed the All-Father did know about it and was kind enough to sign it." Kuzco lied easily ending his tale with a smile, the Elder Yzma squinted her eyes at him, not believing Kuzco's story for a second but Elders Yupi and Moleguaco looked at Kuzco impressed and proud. "Well, I guess it doesn't matter who signed it, as long as it got signed which it did. That's a good thing, right Yzma?" Elder Yupi raised an eyebrow at Yzma who scoffed quietly but Kuzco heard it. "I suppose, I hope this doesn't become a habit though when you turn Emperor. No more shortcuts." Elder Yzma said without blinking looking straight into Kuzco's soul, the room went silent as Yzma waved her hand and her chair was pulled out allowing for her to stand up, she walked towards the door and when the other Elders weren't following her she snapped her fingers and they quickly got up following her towards the door and were led out of the room leaving Kuzco, Pacha, and Chaca alone.

"What happened Kuzco?" Pacha questioned as soon as the door clicked shut. "A lot, but If you don't mind it's been a long journey. I would like to go to my quarters." Kuzco scooted his chair back dismissing his Father, beside him Chaca gave a frown but Kuzco didn't see it as he quickly stood up and started to walk out. He knew it was rude and he would apologize to his family for his behavior later but Kuzco was starting to feel suffocated, he wanted to be alone.

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