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Kuzco was just sitting on his bed feeling sorry for himself when a commotion brought his attention outside, he lifted his head just in time to see Himinbjorg start to spinning, meaning that Thor and his warriors were coming back

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Kuzco was just sitting on his bed feeling sorry for himself when a commotion brought his attention outside, he lifted his head just in time to see Himinbjorg start to spinning, meaning that Thor and his warriors were coming back. Kuzco jumped up and grabbed his robe before tying it around himself and walking towards the door of his quarters. He didn't care if his guards went with him, he needed to make sure Thor was alright. Kuzco opened the door to be met with Ipi slumped in the corner sleeping while Topo straightened his back as Kuzco opened the door. "Emperor, shouldn't you be sleeping?" Topo asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I should yes, but Thor is back so I have to make sure he's okay." Kuzco could see the gears turning in Topo's head as he thought this over. "I don't that's very wise." Topo carefully said as he gripped his staff tighter. All Kuzco could do was chuckle as he turned around to start walking down the hall that would lead him outside. "I'm going regardless, you can come with me or not." Kuzco instructed as he kept walking, he knew that Topo decided to follow him because he heard a sigh along with rushing footsteps that fell in line with Kuzco's behind him.

All he could think about was if Thor was okay, he didn't know what kind of state Thor would be in but Thor is strong, he would be okay at least that's what Kuzco told himself. He's never been worried about someone like this before, he doesn't like the feeling but he has a feeling that if he is gonna feel this way about Thor he better get used to it until he leaves and then he never has to see or think about Thor ever again.

"How are we going to get across the bridge, Emperor?" Topo asked when they reached the beginning of the Rainbow Bridge. "We walk? It's not the fastest way but it's what we have." Kuzco takes a careful step onto the bridge and begins to start to walk across it, in the distance he can see the Himinbjorg in the distance getting close, Kuzco's heart left when he noticed some flashing lights come from the Himinbjorg along with some raised voices, that's what caused Kuzco to pick up his speed. He could hear the clang of Topo's armor caused by his running behind Kuzco but he tried to block it out to get himself to run faster.

His heartbeat was so quick that he felt like it was going to pop out of his chest as his legs started to burn, his heart lept into his throat as he stood at the entrance of Himinbjorg and watched as The All-father banished Thor from Asgard, Kuzco could only stand there in terror and shock as Odin cast Thor out. "What did you do? You didn't have to do that, Thor only did what he thought was right." Kuzco's voice shook from emotion as he spoke to Odin, he cast a glance at Loki and he could see that as much as Loki wanted to cause trouble, they didn't want this.

"It is not your place to tell me what I can and can't do, I think you should go back to your quarters." Odin nodded behind him at Topo who placed his on Kuzco's shoulder but he shrugged it off. "No, I can't leave." Kuzco shook his head definitively. Odin chuckled as he regarded Kuzco carefully.

"If you leave right now, I'll sign the peace treaty and Kuzconian and Asgard will be allies." Kuzco paled before stepping back in fear almost bumping into Topo, Kuzco started to open his mouth to ask how Odin knew that but the All-Father interrupted him. "Of course, I know about it, I know everything that goes on in The Royal Palace of Valaskjal, now, are you going to allow me to sign it and leave or will I have to throw you in the dungeons?" Odin smirked making Kuzco shiver, he closed his eyes letting out a deep breath before he reluctantly nodded, he sent a quick apology to wherever Thor was before he spoke. "I'll do that, thank you for your grace." Kuzco reverted to the training that the Elders made him sit through so they can teach him how to be a perfect Emperor.

Odin smirked before he slowly stepped down from the platform he was standing on. "I'll have someone fetch the peace treaty, in the meantime why don't you get packing," Odin instructed before he bypassed Kuzco and started walking back towards The Royal Palace of Valaskjal, Kuzco saw that Loki sent him an apologetic look but Kuzco ignored it. It wasn't Loki's fault that Kuzco ended up in this mess, it was his own. He allowed his heart to get wrapped in something he shouldn't have with Thor.

"Let's go, we need to leave," Topo instructed with a pull to Kuzco's shoulder, this time he listened. Kuzco allowed his shoulders to drop as he followed Topo back across the bridge towards The Royal Palace of Valaskjal so they could instruct Ipi to tell the pilot to get ready to leave. Now, Kuzco had to do his best to forget about Thor, he was gone and Kuzco had no one way to get to him back but he was going home. Kuzco tries to tell himself that once he gets home to Kuzconian he could just simply sleep Thor out of his system, at least that's what he tells himself.

He hopes he is successful because he needs to forget about Thor, he needs to forget how soft his hair felt, how strong-minded he was, and how wrong Kuzco was about Thor, Thor allowed Kuzco to see a side of him that no one else had seen, but Kuzco had to forget about him because that is what is right.

He hopes he is successful because he needs to forget about Thor, he needs to forget how soft his hair felt, how strong-minded he was, and how wrong Kuzco was about Thor, Thor allowed Kuzco to see a side of him that no one else had seen, but Kuzco ...

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