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There were a few cuts on Thor's back that Kuzco noticed as he wiped the dirt and grime off of him with a washcloth but it was nothing that Kuzco needed to whip something up for

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There were a few cuts on Thor's back that Kuzco noticed as he wiped the dirt and grime off of him with a washcloth but it was nothing that Kuzco needed to whip something up for. It was mostly dirt and sweat. While Kuzco was bathing Thor they lapsed in a comfortable silence, none of them wanting to ruin what they have by talking, but like everything that had to end.

"I think I've got it all, would you like to get out?" Kuzco softly asks Thor who doesn't use words to respond instead he nods his head and when Kuzco holds his hand out to help Thor, he stands. He stepped out onto the floor of Kuzco's quarters, neither of them minded how the water was dripping onto the stone floor, Kuzco could take care of that later. Kuzco presses his lips together as he grabs a towel that was folded and placed on a table near the bath, he wraps Thor in it and presses a kiss to his lips.

Thor leans into the kiss, he's seconds away from opening his mouth to allow this to go further when Kuzco pulls back reluctantly. "Why don't you dry off while I find some clothes for you." Thor nods his head quickly as he pulls the towel so it's around his waist, Kuzco flashes a glance towards Thor's chiseled torso before he forces himself to walk over to his armoire, it takes some digging but Kuzco finds soft clothes that he usually sleeps in but he figures that it would be perfect for Thor right now who needs comfort.

"I found these, hopefully, they fit. Do you want me to help you?" Kuzco hands a now dry Thor the clothes. "I'm not helpless." Thor snaps as he yanks the clothes of Kuzco's hands, Kuzco just sighs and picks up the towel that was haphazardly on the floor because Thor let it drop when he grabbed the clothes. He started the process of folding the used towels and washcloths, Kuzco knew that a maid would've done that for him but he didn't know what else to do. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you." Thor presses his lips together as he apologizes.

Kuzco gives Thor a half smile before he places the folded towels on the edge of the bath before he walks over to him. "It's okay, you've been through a lot." Kuzco can't deny that he wants to know what transpired after he left Asgard when Thor was banished but he knows he can't push him, he has to let Thor tell him on his own time. "Can we move to the bed?" Thor asks looking at Kuzco's bed, Kuzco nods quickly before grabbing Thor's hand and leading him towards the bed.

After gently moving the covers back the two men get into the bed side by side each, at first none of them talk. Kuzco was just staring at Thor who was laying on his back, he was about to open his mouth to fill the silence when Thor's words stopped him. "Loki died by falling off the Bifrost Bridge, I tried to grab them but I was too late." Kuzco's heart broke, he grabbed Thor's hand tightly and pressed a kiss to his knuckles.

"They tried to destroy Jotunheim, they discovered that they're half frost giant and made a deal with the Frost Giant King Laufey, they plotted to kill our father while he was in Odinsleep but you know Loki, they were only in it for themself and always has a plan to double cross someone. Laufey was no different, no matter If they were Loki's true father. I saved Jotunheim, I saved Odin, and I saved the Frost Giants just like the true king of Asgard would do but I lost my sibling in the process. The worst part of it all, Odin doesn't care, the only thing he said to me was that I'll be a wise king. Is this what being a king is? I feel alone Kuzco."

"You aren't alone my love, it's wrong of Odin to expect that you would have no feelings about Loki's death, no matter what Odin felt about them. I may not have liked Loki, but I respected Loki. Unlike Odin." Thor opened his mouth to defend Odin, like he always does but he closes his mouth when he has no true retort. "I will be the first to admit, being the leader of people is a lot. Whether the title is Emperor or King, it's much different than expected. It's much harder than expected, but I know that you can do it. You have the heart of a true king." Kuzco places his hand over Thor's and grasps at the fabric of the shirt. Thor closed his hands and places his hand over Kuzco's before closing the small gap and pressing his lips to Kuzco's, this time it was Kuzco's turn to open his mouth, Thor started to place his arm around Kuzco's waist when they were interrupted by Kuzco's door slamming open.

Kuzco pulled back quickly to look at the intruder, he sees Topo and Ipi standing there looking apologetically, and that's when Kuzco's eyes find Elder Yzma. "What is the meaning of this? Why did I overhear Ipi tell Emperor Pacha that you have this Asgardian in your quarters?" Elder Yzma waved her hand towards Thor like he was another one of his conquests, but Thor is much more different.

"The meaning of this Elder Yzma, is that I get to make my choices. He isn't a conquest, he's going to be my husband. You wanted me to marry, didn't you? Well, what is a better alliance than a marriage, Asgard and Kuzconian a forever alliance." Kuzco didn't mean to say what he did but it was true, he had hoped Thor would become his husband, but he figured he would tell him a little bit later. Kuzco's words worked because Elder Yzma huffed before turning on her heels and walking away, but Pacha who burst into the room along with the Elder stood behind.

"Is this true Kuzco? Do you mean to marry Thor?" Pacha looked at Kuzco carefully, Kuzco glanced toward Thor who had moved to the edge of the bed and took Kuzco's hand. "If he'll allow." Instead of answering Thor smiled before nodding, Kuzco thought he end up in a loveless marriage but it looks like he'll get to rule Kuzconian with his true love by his side.

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