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It was the next day and the couple couldn't help but be giddy, Thor insisted that he braided parts of his hair to have some Asgardian traditions, and man, Kuzco thought he looked good

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It was the next day and the couple couldn't help but be giddy, Thor insisted that he braided parts of his hair to have some Asgardian traditions, and man, Kuzco thought he looked good. "I can't believe In a little bit you're going to be the Regent Consort, I'm so lucky." Kuzco started to button his shirt, differing from tradition. Kuzco insisted that they dress themselves, it was clear that the servants were hesitant but followed his order and left the clothes on the table nearby.

"I would have to say I'm the lucky one, Sæti." Kuzco's eyes snapped up from where he was buttoning his pants when he heard what came out of Thor's mouth, how he just knew that it was a native tongue on Asgard. "What does that mean?" Kuzco asks stepping closer to Thor, he finished tying his braids off and placed his arms around Kuzco's waist once he was at arm's length and tugged him so they were closer together. "It means Darling." Thor smiled slightly at Kuzco being speechless, Thor pressed a kiss to Kuzco's cheek before brushing a piece of Kuzco's hair behind his ear. "Can I braid your hair? At least some of it." Thor thumbs Kuzco's hair, Kuzco could see the hesitance in Thor's eyes, scared that Kuzco would decline.

Without giving Thor an answer he grabbed his hand and led them toward's the bed, Thor looked confused but broke into a smile when Kuzco went to grab his brush. "I would love for you to braid my hair." Thor hums watching as Kuzco sat in front of him on the bed. As Thor was a little bit taller than Kuzco he didn't have to stand up.

After a few moments of Thor tugging Kuzco's short hair into a tight braid that was laid against his head, he spoke up. "You know, in Asgardian culture, your partner braiding their partner's hair is an honor. It's a sign that we are becoming woven together and not even Valhalla can keep us apart." Kuzco knows he should be scared of what Thor said that he's going to be spending the rest of his life with one man when Kuzco could barely stand someone for a day, but Thor is it for Kuzco. He's not scared, not of his life with Thor.

Thor smoothed the braid down and helped Kuzco stand up and placed his hands on Kuzco's back before bringing him closer and kissing him. "I'm glad that it's you," Kuzco mumbles quietly lips still hovering close to Thor's lips that he could feel every breath that Thor takes, Kuzco was about to kiss Thor again when a knock sounded on Kuzco's door.

Sighing he pulled back and told whoever it was to come in, it was Chaca. "Were you two kissing?" Chaca screws up face up in disgust. "Yes, what did you need?" Kuzco raises an eyebrow at Chaca who hasn't said why she interrupted them. "Right! They're ready for you two." Chaca smiled softly, Kuzco looked at Thor like he couldn't believe they were going to be married in a few minutes. "Let's go." Thor steps away from Kuzco and holds out his hand so they can walk out together.

Kuzco had heard from Chica that when she was walking down this same hall to get married to Pacha, she felt scared. It wasn't that she wasn't excited to marry Pacha, she just wasn't used to the life she was going and she was thinking about the life that she was giving up. She never regretted though, so when Kuzco thought about marriage he thought it was scary and that it wasn't okay to sign over your life to be with this person forever but Kuzco doesn't think that as he's walking these halls.

They stopped in front of large doors, Kuzco knew it led to the throne room. His breath caught when he watched Ipi and Topo open the doors for the two of them, Kuzco looked at Thor before stepping forward into the room. The throne was sitting across from a large table, the Elders along with Pacha stood around it. As the couple walked closer Kuzco could tell that a few of the Elders weren't happy about the marriage but ultimately for them they only wanted Kuzco to get married before he the throne. "Come." Elder Yupi instructed with a smile

He squeezed Thor's hand as they walked closer to the table, there were three pages on the table along with two ink wells that they would be using to write with. "Prince Thor Odinson, Emperor Kuzco. The two of you are about to be joined together. These three documents state that you understand you are about to get married and are dedicated to each other. That no matter how far you are you will never stray from each other, it states that you will be together even in death." It was shown on the Elder Yzma's face that she wasn't happy to be reading the words that were on the scroll in her hands, but she dealt with it and frankly, Kuzco didn't care.

"Are you sure?" Kuzco looks towards Thor, giving him one last chance for an out. Him leaving without any ramifications. "I am." Thor kissed their clasped hands before letting go and picking up a quill to sign his name on the first document stating that he understands that they are married. Kuzco picks the quill up and signs the document quickly, he moves on to the next one. That we are dedicated to each other and will not stray, as he was writing his name, Kuzco saw a false of everyone he's ever slept with. Almost like Runacoto was on his shoulder whispering that he shouldn't do it.

Kuzco closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them and started to sign the paper. He put the feather back into the inkwell and watch with a smile as Thor signed the last document, this was it after they sign saying they understand that when die they will never separate then Kuzco will get to be with the love of his life.

Once Thor was finished, Kuzco signed his name before looking up at the Elders. "What next?" Kuzco could feel his heart beating, for a second he wondered if anyone could it. "Now, we introduce the two of you." Pacha gently says, he walks over to the balcony and opens the wide doors before anyone could help him. Thor and Kuzco look at each other with love in their eyes before they walk towards the balcony where the Elders where already standing waiting for Kuzco. "I present, Emperor Kuzco and his Regent Consort Thor Odinson." Elder Moleguaco spoke loudly so all of the Kuzconian Realm could hear him.

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