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Kuzco half expected to wake up thinking everything had been a dream, but when he opens his eyes he sees Thor's blonde hair splayed across the pillows

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Kuzco half expected to wake up thinking everything had been a dream, but when he opens his eyes he sees Thor's blonde hair splayed across the pillows. Kuzco smiled slightly and lifted his hand to brush Thor's hair away from his face but at the same time Kuzco lifted his hand Thor shuffled so Kuzco dropped his hand not wanting the motion to wake Thor up and disturb the peace they have created.

Kuzco knows that today he will have to face the music, and have meetings with Elders and his father but right now it's just the two of them. He was about to try to find a way to get himself under Thor's arm but he felt a twinge in his stomach telling him that he needed breakfast, he let out a quiet sigh before carefully inching himself out of bed. He grabbed his robe that was haphazardly thrown onto the couch, Kuzco walked towards the door and opened it to see that Malina was walking towards him. "Good Morning Emperor, I was asked by the kitchen staff to see if you would like breakfast?" Kuzco could hear Thor starting to wake up so he stepped away from the door and closed it gently behind him so he could talk to Malina. "Yes please, and have the kitchen make two orders instead of one. I have a guest after all." Kuzco's eyes twinkled as he thought about Thor, Malina just tilted her head in confusion but then nodded. "Will that be all?" She asked, Kuzco waits for a second but then nods. "Alert whoever brings the food to knock before entering, please."

Malina nods her head in acknowledgment before he turns around and starts to walk toward the kitchen. Kuzco lets out a small sigh, he turns round and twists the doorknob before walking in, he knew it would've been a long shot that Thor would still be sleeping yet he was still surprised to see Thor sitting up and rubbing at his face to rub away the sleep. "Morning," Kuzco says with a smile as he walks over to the bed and presses a kiss to Thor's cheek, Thor scrunches his face as he looks towards Kuzco. "Hi, Did you ask for breakfast?" Thor asks, his eyes following Kuzco who takes a seat next to him and brushes their hands close to each other.

"I did, enough for two. Gotta keep my soon-to-be regent consort fed." Kuzco's eyes twinkle but Thor sees some hesitance in Kuzco's eyes. "Hey, on Asgard you'll be my regent consort so that means we can switch titles." Thor grins as he leans closer to Kuzco and presses a kiss to his lips. Kuzco instantly relaxes, for a second he was worried that Thor wasn't serious about his answer yesterday evening but this just gave Kuzco extra conformation before he goes in front of the Elders today. "An Emperor and a King, who saw that coming." Kuzco looks at Thor like he was glowing, and in Kuzco's eyes, Thor was.

Thor moves so he was laying on his back and Kuzco follows him, he reaches his pinky and interlocks it with Kuzco's. "Do you have any plans today, my love?" Thor looks at Kuzco slightly raising his brow. "I have to meet with Father and The Elders, my Father's birthday is coming soon which means my coronation is coming up. So since the Elders want me to be married we will have to get married before then." Kuzco presses his lips together as he looks at Thor and watches his reaction carefully.

"And what does a Kuzconian marriage ceremony look like?" Thor asks adjusting so now instead of just their pinkies being intertwined they were holding hands. "It's a simple arrangement, kind of boring actually. For us, we would sign official documents stating that we are dedicated to each other. Then we formally introduce ourselves as Emperor and his Regent Consort, we feast in the palace and then that's it." Kuzco shrugged his shoulders once he finished explaining, Thor hummed. "Could we have a ceremony in Asgard? After you become Emperor, of course, I would have to leave to go back to Asgard soon. I've only gotten away for a short visit, but when I go back I would tell Allfather and Mother. They of course would want a ceremony..." Thor trails off from his rambling.

"I would love to, I told you about Kuzconian Customs, what about Asgardian?" Kuzco moves so he's on his side facing Thor. Thor's eyes suddenly sparkle as he nods eagerly. "We would be dressed up in gold, the handmaidens would dress us before the ceremony, twist our hair in intricate braids. We would give each other swords, but in our case, I would just be giving you a sword. We would exchange rings, I would like our rings to be made out of Uru but if that's not possible then they would be gold. All of Asgard would have a feast, no one would go without food, and the night ends with laughter, dancing, and joy." Thor breathes heavily slightly but he has a smile on his face, and so does Kuzco.

Kuzco sighs happily before turning to press his head on Thor's chest, he presses a kiss to his bare chest before turning to look up at him. "That sounds nice, let's do that." Kuzco smiles, Thor raises his hand and caresses Kuzco's cheek before pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. They have a limited amount of time before the ceremony has to take place, but Kuzco knows they could do it because they have each other.

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