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As soon as Kuzco opened his eyes, he knew something was different

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As soon as Kuzco opened his eyes, he knew something was different. He chalked it up to his brain not being used to flying but then he looked to his right and saw a person. Groaning Kuzco slid off of his bed and walked into the bathroom, he could hear the person just start to wake up. Kuzco had a pretty good guess who it was considering they only had two people on the ship and one person was supposed to be flying it. "Do you remember anything about last night?' Kuzco says loudly so the person could hear him even from the bathroom.

"Kind of, I do know it was both consensual between us." The person croaks but the vocals are still laced with sleep. "Good, I remember a little bit," Kuzco says as he walks back into the room, he walks towards the closet and gets out his clothes for the day, and puts them on the chair in the corner.

Kuzco walks towards the bed and opens the side table slightly, he remembers putting his journal on the table for safekeeping and he let out a breath of relief when he saw the book laying there. "You know that this can't happen again right?" The person says shifting so they were turned towards Kuzco facing his back, Kuzco jumps when he feels a finger slowly drawing on his back. "I mean I know some people date their guards but I don't the elders would like that very much." Kuzco turns around to face the guard with a smile on his face, the guard chuckles, and nods. "Good, considering I have someone waiting for me back at Kuzconian." Kuzco looks at the guard shocked before he laughs and puts a hand on Kuzco's leg. "It's an open relationship, I just have to tell him. I won't use your name, I'll use a fake one." The guard adds on the last part before scooting towards the edge of the bed and puts his pants on that were laying on the floor.

Kuzco scrubs a hand over his face before nodding which turns into a yawn quickly. "Thanks, for not wanting to tell anyone. I don't need anything else to make the Elders hate me." Kuzco chuckles fakely, truthful he doesn't matter if the Elders hate him but he knows that the Elders are bribing the guards to keep an eye on him but even if the guard does tell the Elders he's hoping to be long gone by then fully away from the throne. "Of course, now If you'll excuse me. I have to be at my post." The guard winks at Kuzco before gathering his shirt and walking out of Kuzco's room leaving him alone.

Kuzco sighs before flopping back down on the bed staring at the ceiling, he's hungry but he doesn't feel like getting up and seeing the guard right now. He turns to the right to look on the wall and there he can see he has one more day of flying then he's made it to Asgard then he gets to try and charm Thor and give him the book back. Kuzco sits up and turns so he's on his stomach before lifting the bed skirt and looking under the bed, sure enough, his bag with the Asgardian book is safe and sound still under the bed.

He lets out a sigh before deciding he's spent enough time hiding and it was about time he got up and ate something because as much as he wanted to he couldn't hide in his room forever. He took off his sleep shirt before putting on his top and then did the same with his pants too. He slipped on his shoes so he wouldn't freeze from the cold metal floors before he walked out the door, as soon as he stepped out he locked eyes with the guard and he shivered before shaking his head and holding it high.

He ran his hands through his hair as he walked towards the kitchen and grab some food out of the fridge before sticking it into the heater and waiting a few seconds before grabbing it and walking over to the pilot. "Hey, did you get any disturbance last night?" Kuzco asks taking a seat next to the pilot who shakes his head. "Nope, it was smooth. We should be arriving tomorrow if everything keeps going well." Kuzco nodded in satisfaction. "Thank you, you're good at this you know?" The pilot turned towards Kuzco and smiled at him widely. "Thank you, I appreciate it." Kuzco nods at the pilot before turning around and taking a seat at the booth in the corner to properly eat his food.

Kuzco gulps down his food before reaching over towards the pad that was on the table, from what the travelers to Kuzconian have told Kuzco they are very advance in their technology but they definitely don't use it a lot. Sadly the ones who have it are of the highers on Kuzconian, the royalty of course the elders, and the richer people of Kuzconian it's something that Kuzco hates and that he plans on changing.

For a split second, he thinks about typing in Thor Odinson but decides not to, he's never seen any of the Asgardian family unless you would classify the illustrations in the Asgardian book but Kuzco wants to keep it that way. He doesn't want to see Thor's smug spoiled little face more than he has to. "Are you okay Emperor Kuzco?" The guard asks Kuzco who looks up from his pad and that's when he realizes the fork he had snapped in half in his hands. "Yes, sorry. Just got in my head." Kuzco smiles before racking the clay into his hands and throwing it in the spot by the sink, Kuzco looks at his uneaten food before deciding at the last second to put it in the fridge again.

They're on a ship, so they can't let anything go to waste.

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