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This was it, the day was finally here and Kuzco was scared shitless which is ironic because he got married yesterday but that felt like a walk in the park compared to today

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This was it, the day was finally here and Kuzco was scared shitless which is ironic because he got married yesterday but that felt like a walk in the park compared to today. Later today Pacha was going to take off his crown and give it to Kuzco, along with the title of Emperor of the Kuzconian Realm and Kuzco was convinced he was going to fuck it all up. "I'm gonna mess everything up, I can't do this." Kuzco panicked to Thor and Pacha who were watching the servants dress him, Kuzco tried to dress himself but Elder Yzma shut that down quickly so Kuzco conceded.

"Son, you aren't going to mess this up. You are going to bring change, and some people may not like that and you probably will mess up but guess. I did too and I was even older than you." Pacha kindly says as he reaches up and twiddles the necklace that used to be Chica's earrings but when she died he had asked if they could melt it down and make it into something similar for him, and he hasn't taken it off since. "You know how I felt during my coronation and that was just me becoming a Prince. I see something in you Kuzco and that something is that you're a great leader." The comments Pacha and Thor made almost brought tears to his eyes but he quickly pushed them down, not wanting to cry today.

"I don't want to let you down, I don't want to let Mother down." Kuzco's voice cracked when he mentioned Chica. "Even if you decide to run away right now, you will never let us down. There is not anything in the world that you could that would make me stop loving you, ever. Even if you decide to hate me one day, I will still love you. You're my kid." While he was talking he walked over towards Kuzco, he didn't notice that the servants had finished which allowed Pacha to hug him tightly.

Kuzco hugged back as tight as he could, here he was again getting emotional he needed to stop before it got out of control he was going to be an Emperor for god sake. Emperors don't cry in front of people. Pacha stepped away from Kuzco but not before giving his arm and comforting squeeze, it wasn't until then that Kuzco was in his Emperor's robes a sight that made his breath catch as he turned to look at himself in the mirror. "You look perfect," Thor comments as he walks towards Kuzco and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek, Thor was dressed up in a robe of his own it wasn't as extravagant as Kuzco's but Kuzco thought he looked hot this morning. "You look perfect too."

It was clear that they wanted more alone time with just the three of them but Elder Yzma walked in and Kuzco instantly stiffened, he had to play as nice as he could for a little bit longer then Kuzco could say everything he's been wanting to say. "Are you ready Emperor Kuzco? Emperor Pacha?" Yzma looks at the two men with her nose upturned. "We are Elder Yzma, is everything set up in the throne room?" Pacha asks politely as he walks towards the woman. "Yes, everything is how it should be. Now, we must go." Elder Yzma looked at Kuzco.

Kuzco closed his eyes and opened them slowly, he looked at Thor who smiled at him a wordless way of telling Kuzco that he's got this, just what he needed. When Elder Yzma started walking Kuzco was right behind her, and instead of the nervous Emperor he was a few minutes ago, now he was the Emperor who was walking with his head held high walking through the Palace halls.

The throne room doors were open before Elder Yzma could even command the guards to open the doors, when Kuzco walked through he had to push down that sick feeling he had before now was not the time for his breakfast to make an appearance. "Presenting, Emperor Pacha." Elder Gizo yelled so the full room of people could hear him, he stepped away from the throne at Pacha took his place. Before Elder Yzma could instruct him or worse push him, Kuzco walked forward until he was standing a couple of steps down from his father, not yet facing him.

"As you know, the 60th birthday of the Emperor marks the end of their Reign and their offspring gets the crown. It is my honor today to give this crown to my son." Pacha took the crown off of his head and faced Kuzco. "Kuzco, if you would." Pacha gestured toward the spot in front of him, Kuzco's eyes went big for a second but he followed instructions, kneeling on the last step. "I now crown you, Emperor Kuzco of the Kuzconian Realm." Pacha gently placed the crown on top of Kuzco's head.

The first thought that popped into his head was that it was heavy, the weight felt unusual to him. The second thought that occurred was that he did it, he's the Emperor now. He turned around to face the room of officials, names and faces that Kuzco didn't recognize but his eyes only wanted one person, Thor.

Emperor Kuzco's reign is just beginning and he's going to do it all with his Regent Consort Prince Thor Odinson by his side.


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Holy shit
What started as something I thought was stupid, or at least other people would think so turned into so much more. I never expected to make this when I wrote the idea on my message board almost three years ago.

Kuzco made his first appearance in No Happy Endings but that shows his life after his own story, so when I decided officially to do this I dug deep into the Inca Cultural, it was a struggle to decide the line between my own creativity, not feel like I was just grabbing something and then saying it was mine but most of all, I wanted to be respectful.

The Kuzconian Realm was created based on the Disney movie, Emperor's New Groove which took inspiration from the city of Cusco which was once the capital of the Inca Empire so not only using some things from the Incan Cultural, I also put my own ideas into it.
I'm proud of myself and of this story, because I jumped out of my comfort zone a little bit, hell I created an entire Realm?

Last but not least, I hope you enjoyed it and...

Kuzco will Return

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