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Kuzco kept thinking about what Pacha told him, even as he tried to do what he said and drown his sorrows in mead

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Kuzco kept thinking about what Pacha told him, even as he tried to do what he said and drown his sorrows in mead. Just because Pacha told him that he needs to start acting like an Emperor doesn't mean that Kuzco is going to do it, he knows that The Elders could block Kuzco from being emperor but Kuzco thinks maybe that wouldn't be that bad. He's not going to tell anyone this but he knows it wouldn't be the worst thing because the worst thing is going to Thor Odinson's coronation.

Kuzco knows all about Thor, he knows how the soon-to-be king of Asgard is a stuck-up asshole but Kuzco can be one too so Kuzco isn't going to hold that to him. "I think I'm done, can you put that on my tab?" Kuzco slides his half-full cup of Kuzconian mead towards the bartender. "Of course Emperor Kuzco." The bartender says watching as Kuzco gets up from the chair. He resists the urge to correct the bartender but knows it's no use, and it would be worse if The Elders had one of their many spies following Kuzco and would hear him correct them.

The Elders were very old-fashioned, they didn't care that Kuzco was into men and women but they did care that he hasn't settled down yet. They think Kuzco needs to be married and needs to stop looking at himself like a commoner and start looking at himself like he's going to be the Emperor of Kuzconian. That's one thing that Kuzco was going to fight for if he ever becomes Emperor, just because he doesn't want to rule doesn't mean he can't try to find better ways to live on the planet.

The wind blew his hair as he walked out of the bar, because of the dust that was picked up by the wind he had to squint his eyes so none of it would get into his eyes. If anyone from the palace saw him they would be mad for squinting his eyes because that causes wrinkles according to the women in the palace. Luckily for Kuzco, he knows of a plant that gets rid of wrinkles quickly.

Kuzco heard the steps of his sister before she spoke, she wasn't quiet by any means. "Hi, what did Dad want?" Chaca asks walking next to her brother. "Just same old same old told me to straighten up because the Elders don't want me to be the Emperor." Kuzco rolled his eyes, the wind was starting to let up so he didn't have to worry about dust getting into his eyes anymore.

"It would be worse if the Elders dethroned you, our family created this planet from scratch so if someone with Royal blood would be dethroned by the Elders who knows what would happen to this planet," Chaca spoke holding her backpack tighter. "I get it, I do but would it be so bad if the Elders just were the Emperor instead of someone from the family." Kuzco groaned wiping his hands on his pants.

Beside him he heard Chaca gasped, he groaned in pain when Chaca gripped his shoulder tightly so hard that her nails dug into his arm. "It would be bad, we have always been the Emperors of Kuzconian. I know that you don't want to run but Dad is retiring soon, he's turning 60 soon someone has to be the Emperor." Kuzco rolled his eyes as he yanked his arm away from his sister's grip. Kuzco wanted Chaca to be the Emperor but the Elders had a dumb rule that the firstborn can only be the next one in line. "Whatever."

Kuzco sped up walking but Chaca kept following him, he turned around and looked at her angrily. "I'm going to be with the plants, at least they don't judge me. You can follow me or not I don't care." Kuzco watched as Chaca's face fell, he felt bad for a second but once she turned around the feelings he felt went away.

It felt dumb but Kuzco didn't feel like anyone on Kuzconian understood him, he didn't make many friends because they only saw him as the soon-to-be ruler of Kuzconian, not a young boy wanting friends. Kuzco sighed as he took the path that he knew by heart, the one to the greenhouse that he loved.

With a glance, he noticed that the greenhouse was empty, somehow it was almost like the nine realms knew when Kuzco wanted to be alone because more often than not Kuzco was the only one in the greenhouse. Kuzco breathed deep when he opened the door, the smells of the different plants filled in his nose.

He put his bottom lip in between his teeth as he walked towards the flower section, he loved all the plants but his favorite was the flowers. He loved the flowers that looked unexpected but when you crush them they did something magical, whether it was skincare or healing wounds.

He touched the petals twiddling the soft feeling in between his fingers, he glanced around to make sure he was alone before gently lowering himself in between the plants. He knew that soon he would have to ask his Dad about the trip that he was going to have to take but for now Kuzco gets to be surrounded by plants, for as long as he wants.

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