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It's been a month since Kuzco got the peace treaty signed from Asgard, which means it's been a month since Kuzco last saw Thor

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It's been a month since Kuzco got the peace treaty signed from Asgard, which means it's been a month since Kuzco last saw Thor. Kuzco has tried to forget about the blonde arrogant man but is beginning to realize how hard that task is. He can that his heart isn't in his hookups or relationships, and the other person can tell too, which makes the process less enjoyable than it usually is. Kuzco has accepted that he will never see Thor again, he's far from content with that but the Elders have him busy getting ready to become the new Emperor when that time comes.

Unlike his attitude a month ago, Kuzco accepted that he was to be crowned Emperor. But he still has the plan to get the Elders demolished or at least knock them down so that instead of being over the Emperor, they would be under him or even equal. Kuzco doesn't want to have to ask for permission when he's in charge, which some may think makes him a bad leader but Kuzco doesn't think so. He hasn't told anyone else about his plan, not even Chaca and it breaks his heart to have to keep this from her but Kuzco doesn't want this to get out. He knows that Chaca would keep a secret if Kuzco asked her too but they both know that she couldn't if Pacha asked her, something that has only worsened since Chica passed.

Kuzco is brought out of his thoughts by the giggle of children running threw the gardens. He lets out a slight sigh as he wipes the sweat from his brow, a smile glides on his face when he remembers announcing to the Elders that once he becomes Emperor he isn't giving up on his own gardening even though they have a perfectly fine gardener, Kuzco just likes to makes sure they have plenty of salves mixed up along with the other things he mixes with the plants they grow.

He thinks about what would happen if Chica could see him now, she was the healer of Kuzcoian, she was the one who taught Kuzco all about plants and how they can help people to survive. So Kuzco knows it falls up to him whether he's drinking along the way or not that he has the plants to fall back on. He takes one last sniff of the flower that he held in between his fingers before he starts to walk off and towards where Topo was waiting outside the garden fence. "Emperor Kuzco." Topo greeted nodding his head toward Kuzco who resisted the urge to correct the title, he knew that it was only a matter of time before Pacha's 60th birthday and then Kuzco is the Emperor, so he better get used to it.

"Topo, is there anything I missed while I was collecting?" Kuzco asked with a raise of his brow as he hicked the basket up further so he can get a better grip. "I don't think so Emperor, I do know that Pacha wants you back at the Palace after you drop your plants at the Medical Center." Kuzco stopped walking and took a grounding breath before he continued walking forward allowing Topo to lead him to the Medical Center. "I figured, oh how two months ago Kuzco would freak out if he could see me now," Kuzco murmured, he wasn't expecting Topo to hear him but the guard did and raised his head to look at Kuzco. "What do you mean Emperor?"

Kuzco let out a sigh as he tightened his grip on the basket, he wasn't afraid of dropping it but he used it to help him grounded and present in the conversation. "I don't want to be Emperor and if that Kuzco could see me doing what Father wants, without a complaint he would be confused. I've accepted it and I know that to be the leader that I as a civilian of Kuzconian would want, I have to be that." Kuzco was shocked at the fact that he poured his heart out to Topo, he was sure that it was a mistake, Kuzco couldn't trust the guards to not be in the Elders' pockets so he was surprised when he glanced at Topo and saw that the guard had a wide smile on his face. "That's a great answer, you are going to be what Kuzconian needs, not whatever the Elders want. We need someone who will listen, not just do what is best for them."

Kuzco didn't know what to say to that but luckily he didn't have to because they reached the medical center, he smiled at Topo before he lifted the flap of the medical center open and walked through. It wasn't busy so Kuzco gently placed the basket on a nearby table before he started to place the different flowers and plants into the right drawers so someone can make the potions if need be. If Kuzco is having a particularly hard time with Emperor duties he'll sneak into the tent and mix them up himself even though that gets the doctors upset not wanting the new Emperor to strain himself or do anything that is beneath him, however, Chica taught him that nothing is beneath him, even if he is the Emperor and Kuzco feels bad that it took him so long to remember that.

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Emperor's New Groove || Thor Odinson ✓Where stories live. Discover now