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It was written all over his face, I just had sex twice with your son was written all over his face and he knew it

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It was written all over his face, I just had sex twice with your son was written all over his face and he knew it. He scrubbed a hand over his face as he was led down towards Odin's office by an Asgardian Guard, he only stopped to grab the peace treaty after the two of them parted ways from the library, he knew that he was supposed to go to Thor so he can sign it but he figured that Odin would be just as good and if he was wrong well the Elders' already hate him so Kuzco couldn't care in the least.

"All-Father, Emperor Kuzco is here." One of the guards escorting him said as he opened the door slightly, Odin must've said yes because that same guard was stepping back and pulling on the handle. Kuzco watched in shock as the doors opened by themselves after the guard pulled once or twice, he would never get used to this. "Go on." The guard broke Kuzco out of his thoughts by urging him to take a step forward. "Sorry." He muttered out and quickly walked into the room, he tightened his hold on the bag that he carried he knew that to some it looked unprofessional but he doesn't trust anyone else to carry it not that people haven't asked before.

"Ah Kuzco, sit." Odin gestured to the chair in front of him, it didn't look how Kuzco expected. He expected a throne, not unlike the one he had in the throne room but there was a beautiful ornate desk with a magical chair behind it that was occupied by Odin and two equally ornate chairs in front of the desk, Kuzco let out a breath before he took a seat. As he expected they were uncomfortable but Kuzco plastered a smile on his face and hoped that Odin couldn't see it. "How are you liking Asgard?" Odin asked as he clasped his hands together.

"I love it, it's wonderful. It's much better than I imagined." Kuzco had a wistful smile on his face but he plastered it over with a fake smile once he realized he dropped it. "Perfect, now I have to ask. Why now? In all of the years, we've been neighboring Realms no one from Kuzconian has just now reached out, excuse me for thinking this but I feel like there's a double motive going on." Odin sternly said making Kuzco shiver.

The peace treaty in Kuzco's bag made him aware that would he be lying but he couldn't give it to Odin now or he would've never been able to get it signed which meant he had to get Thor to sign it. "I apologize for that, since I'm going to be crowned Emperor of Kuzconian I'm trying to start fresh. Start my reign on a good note with all of the Realms, starting with Asgard. My advisors thought that it would be in faith if the heir to the throne made an appearance at the coronation." Kuzco let out a deep breath as he mixed lies with bits of the truth, he hoped that Odin couldn't see right through him.

Odin hummed before placing his fingers together and bringing them up to his mouth as he thinks. "Well, it's good to see that you're finally righting a wrong. Something your father never could it seems since it's taken this long." Odin digs but Kuzco doesn't take the bait, he pushes down the urge to punch the old man and smiles as he taps his knee. Odin's eyebrow raises as he looks at Kuzco in surprise and if Kuzco wasn't mistaken it almost looked like he was proud of Kuzco. "Remind me again, your sister isn't eligible to be Emperor is she?" Odin asked making Kuzco quirk a brow, where was he going with this Kuzco thought to himself before he answered the question.

"No, she isn't Allfather." Kuzco resisted the urge to ask more, Kuzco wasn't allowed to question Odin so Kuzco had to sit back and take whatever the old man dished out. "Good, I was sorry to hear about the passing of your Mother." Odin frowned at Kuzco slightly, the look made Kuzco adjust in his seat. He didn't like talking about Chica but most of all he didn't like that Odin brought her up instead of responding he just nodded at Odin who hummed. "Bringing it back to what you said about your advisors saying it would be a good idea if you went to the coronation, I'm sure that Thor appreciates you coming." Odin taps his finger on the desk, Kuzco gulps and raises his hand to rub at his nose.

"I appreciate you all welcoming me into Asgard with open arms." Kuzco parroted words that he knew he was supposed to say, Elder Yzma's voice filtered into his brain forcing him to remember everything Kuzco was supposed to say when certain topics came up. He was coached on what to say and that's exactly what he's doing around Odin, he doesn't want to mess up. Not for Kuzconian instead, he didn't want to mess this up because he wanted to spend more time with Thor which he found interesting and unexpected.

"Of course, I appreciate you answering all my questions. I might have more but I'll have someone come get you if that's the case." It became clear to Kuzco that this was Odin's way of ending the meeting and Kuzco took it, he stood up and clasped his hands in front of him. "Thank you for meeting with me, I will answer any questions you might have." Kuzco stiffly said, he watched as Odin nodded and looked towards the door before looking back at Kuzco.

Kuzco felt awkward as he left without properly giving Odin a goodbye but it was clear that the old man wanted him out and Kuzco couldn't complain about that, his shoulders were starting to hurt from being drawn up so much during the meeting.

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