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Today was when everyone in Asgard gathered around to watch as Thor became the official Heir once The All-Father passed

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Today was when everyone in Asgard gathered around to watch as Thor became the official Heir once The All-Father passed. They insisted that Kuzco stood on the stage next to Lady Sif, who much like Kuzco had no idea why he was on the stage but he had a great view of the whole stage which included the massive amount of people who were watching, it was like twice the size of Kuzconian but Kuzco tried to not think about it in fear of embarrassing himself.

His right hand flinched when the trumpets started to play signaling the arrival of Thor, he was used to the way the crowd roared with cheers as Thor started to walk down in between the guards who were lined towards the throne. Kuzco let out a quiet chuckle and rolled his eyes as he watched Thor toss his hammer in the air and catch it before holding it up.

Kuzco out of the corner of his next to him could see that Lady Sif had an amused look on her face as well watching Thor's antics. When Thor reached the stairs he locked eyes with Kuzco, he let out a slow deep breath as he watched Thor slowly bend down on one knee in front of the stairs, he let his hammer rest beside him and started to take his helmet off, he placed it beside his hammer and smiled.

Thor looked straight ahead at the All-Father, he had the biggest grin on his face. Kuzco resisted the urge to chuckle humorlessly, that was the face that Kuzco knew from the books. The cocky blond douche who thrived on sword fighting. It was a different version than what Kuzco had seen from the few hookups they had, but looking at the Thor he was seeing Kuzco knew that nothing could happen because they always had two sides to each other, as soon as Kuzco stepped back onto Kuzconian he would be the Kuzco he always is, hooking up with the first person he sees and once Thor would be crowned he would be the douchey prince that only wants to be king.

What they had was an illusion, and it would never happen again. Kuzco was broken out of his thoughts by the All-Father clearing his throat to quiet down the crowd and grab everyone's attention it worked because Kuzco rolled his shoulders subtly and brought himself out of his head. The All-Father slammed the end of his spear on the ground after he stood up to look at Thor before he began to speak. "Thor Odinson, my heir, my firstborn." Kuzco was proud that he didn't let the wince of Thor being described as his heir show on his face, he glanced a quick look at Loki who looked something of how Kuzco was feeling, like they would rather be anywhere but here.

"So long entrusted with the mighty hammer Mjolnir, forged in the heart of a dying star, its power has no equal, as a weapon to destroy or as a tool to build. 'Tis a fit companion for a king, I have defended Asgard and the lives of the innocent across the Nine Realms from the time of the great beginning. Though the day has come. Do you swear to guard the Nine Realms?" The All-Father asked, everyone knew what Thor's answer would be.

"I swear."

"And do you swear to preserve the peace?" Kuzco blew out a long deep breath which grew a glare from Lady Sif but he ignored it, breathing was disrespectful for Kuzco counted himself alright as he brought his attention back towards Thor. "I swear."

"Do you swear to cast aside all selfish ambition and to pledge yourself only to the good of the Realms?" They all watched as Thor grasped Mjolnir before raising in the air as he proclaimed. "I swear!" The All-Father took a deep breath before he gave Thor a slight nod. "Then, on this day, I, Odin Allfather, proclaim you-" He paused, Kuzco's breath caught as he watched the All-Father think.

"The frost giants." He muttered but he said it loud enough that everyone closer to the throne could hear him. He slammed his staff onto the ground before he nodded to Thor and Loki gesturing for the two of them to follow him. "Kuzco, come. I'm ordered to take you back to your quarters." Kuzco was about to protest but he heard something in Topo's voice that made him obey, he locked eyes with Thor and gave him a nod.

He followed Topo as they dodged the other guards who were summoned to get people to disperse, He was tempted to ask Topo what was going on but he knew that this wasn't the right time, but he knew that something was going on because he could feel vibrations under his feet like something was going on below but Kuzco played it off as the vibrations of the many feet in the formal throne room because that's all Kuzco could think it was.

"Here you are, Emperor." Topo nodded at Ipi who was guarding the door of Kuzco's quarters, Kuzco pressed his lips together as he walked through the doors that Topo opened, he turned around to ask Topo a question but the doors slammed closed before Kuzco could add anything. He rolled his eyes as he walked toward the giant windows that look over Asgard, the windows were fixed so Kuzco couldn't look over the edge but he watched as the guards ushered the people of Asgard back out of the castle.

They weren't running out of the castle which Kuzco considered a good sign but still, something bad was going on and Thor was now right in the middle of it, something in Kuzco didn't want Thor to get hurt. He brought his thumb up to his lips and started to chew, it was something that he hasn't done in a while having the habit trained out of him by the Elders but Kuzco was alone.

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