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Kuzco let his head rest against the cold window of the ship, they were hovering over Asgard having just gotten into the air

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Kuzco let his head rest against the cold window of the ship, they were hovering over Asgard having just gotten into the air. The signed peace treaty feels heavy in Kuzco's hand as he places it beside him on the bench, he watches as Heimdall opens the BiFrost Bridge, under him, he can feel the pull as the ship guides itself towards it before the pilot regains control, and allowed the ship to be steered into the BiFrost. "Emperor? Are you alright?" Topo asks gently tapping his shoulder to gather Kuzco's attention.

He sucks his teeth before he looks over his shoulder at Topo. "Do you think I did the right thing? Do you think I should've stayed and fought for Thor?" Topo was quiet for a moment as he processed Kuzco's question, he let out a sigh as he grabbed a chair from nearby and twisted it around so it was facing Kuzco before taking a seat. "No, I know that you have strong feelings for Thor but you heard the All-Father, he would've thrown you in the dungeons. I'm sorry, but no one is worth that." Topo pursued his lips together.

He couldn't look at Topo, he just turned away facing the window again, he clenched his fist before he brought his knees up to his chest. "I know I'm not acting very Emperor-like, but something about Thor, he was different." Kuzco couldn't see it but Topo softly smiled at him before putting his hand on Kuzco's knee and squeezing gently. "You're allowed to have feelings, but you'll have another one that's different. I know you will." Topo gently smiles at him before he stands up with a wince when his back tinged, he turned the chair back around and put it in its proper spot before leaving Kuzco alone with his thoughts once again.

He lets his knees drop as he turns to place his legs on the floor of the ship, he gently grabbed the peace treaty before he stood up and walked towards the back where the quarters are, he entered the code and the door slid open. He walked towards his bed where his bag was placed on top of the bed, Kuzco gently slips the treaty in between a hard book so he knows that it wouldn't get bent or ruined so once the treaty was safe he stepped back and turned around walked out of his quarters and towards the bathroom, he heard the door slid shut so he didn't have to worry about going back and inputting the code so it can shut.

He slid the bathroom door open before he locked it behind him, he turned on the water and cupped his hands before he pushed water into his face. He glanced at himself in the mirror, Kuzco's eyes looked a little bit red-rimmed which told him that he got teary-eyed sometime during the day. He scrubbed his eyes trying to get rid of the redness but he was a little rough because it looked a little bit worse, Kuzco huffed before shaking his hands off and grabbing the towel that was on the wall next to him he started to gently pat his face to rid the water and try to get rid of the redness, it worked some. It no longer looked like Kuzco had been crying at least from far away.

Kuzco pressed the button on the side of the wall and the door opened, when Kuzco walked out he saw the light go off, as he walked back towards the sitting area slash eating area of the ship his thoughts couldn't help but be drawn back to Thor, he didn't want to think about him but he couldn't help it. His thoughts drifted to where Thor was at if he was alright, scared, or even if Thor was alive which was something that Kuzco didn't want to think about. He didn't want to even entertain the possibility that Thor could be dead while Kuzco was on his way home on his fancy ship, once he stepped back onto Kuzconian, he knew he would be safe but that doesn't mean his thoughts about Thor would just fade away as much at Kuzco wanted that.

He walked back over to the padded bench and sat on it before swinging his legs up and scooting down so this time he was laying on the bench instead of sitting on it, he could see matching amused looks from Ipi and Topo of the corner of Kuzco's eye but he ignored them as he placed an arm on his head and blocked out his vision using his arm.

One thing Kuzco hoped was that Thor wouldn't blame him for leaving him but right now that's all Kuzco can think about, he doesn't know what he could've done for Thor but he could've tried harder, he should've tried harder. The hand that was on his face clenched in anger before he slowly released it as he thought about what he could do from his home of Kuzconian not to mention if Kuzco was the Emperor, it wouldn't be much but at least Kuzco wouldn't feel like he was being useless by sitting around on his ass.

His thoughts moved on from Thor and towards Kuzconian, Kuzco had realized that his time on Asgard made him want to become Emperor, he still didn't like the Elders but he wanted to try and get them to step down because Kuzco can't allow himself to be controlled anymore, because after seeing what the All-Father did on Asgard, Kuzco wanted Kuzconian to be better.

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Emperor's New Groove || Thor Odinson ✓Where stories live. Discover now