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Kuzco is so fucking dumb, he can't believe he's slept with the arrogant prince of Asgard

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Kuzco is so fucking dumb, he can't believe he's slept with the arrogant prince of Asgard. At least if it was Loki he would've had some fun but no he had to go and sleep with Thor. He groans in his hands, he's sitting on the edge of the bed so his back is facing Thor. Kuzco heard some shuffling behind him before he felt the bed dip with weight. "Are you alright Prince?" Thor asks, putting a hand on Kuzco's shoulder who jerks the hand off quickly.

"Don't call me thought after what just happened, we can never speak of this again. Ever." Kuzco scrubbed his hands across his face before he stood up and started to walk around the room looking for his pants while he used the sheet to cover his lower half. Thor frowned but he didn't move from the bed. "You know that it is not shameful for two men to sleep together, Asgard prides itself on being fluid with sexuality and gender orientation."

Kuzco groaned as he picked up his underwear and put them on quickly after letting the blanket drop. "No, I know that, so is Kuzconian that's not what I'm saying. We're supposed to sign a peace treaty, not sleep together." Kuzco moaned out in frustration, he watched as Thor's brows furrowed as he adjusted on the bed. "Then what is the matter?" Thor looked confused, Kuzco rolled his eyes as he slipped the shirt over his head. "The matter is that if someone found out the treaty would be off, Asgard would announce war with Kuzconian. I'm telling you, Thor, this" Kuzco pointed around the room and then to the bed. "This didn't happen, none of this happened." Kuzco watched as Thor frowned but nodded, Kuzco sighed and looked around for his bed. This was the perfect time to give him the book that Kuzconian had stolen a while back from Asgard.

"Have you seen my bag?" Kuzco asks Thor after having no luck looking around the room, Thor hums before standing up to help look, like Kuzco when he woke up Thor wasn't wearing any clothes so the sight made Kuzco groan and turn his back quickly to try and look so more. "What does it look like?" Thor asks from the other side of the room. "It's like a satchel but a little bigger and it looks very old. It was my Mother's and it has important stuff in it so I can't lose it." Thor hummed in acknowledgment before he started to look around.

Kuzco was starting to panic that he lost it but behind him, he heard Thor let out a chuckle of achievement. "I found it, it was under the couch." Thor sounded pleased with himself which made Kuzco roll his eyes before turning around to grab his bag. "Thanks," Kzuco murmured as he started to look through the bag, when he found the book he grabbed it and placed his bag on the bed before handing the book to Thor. "I wanted to give you this, one of the elders had someone steal it a long time ago. You should have it back, it belongs with you." Kuzco awkwardly said as he gave Thor the book, Thor looked surprised but he grabbed the book and smiled gratefully. "Thank you, I'll tell Allfather that I found it in an old building." Kuzco was surprised that Thor would be willing to make an excuse for him but he was grateful, Kuzco was tempted to ask about the missing pages regarding Hella but he decided not to in case it was left out for reason. "Well, I must be going before someone comes looking for either one of us. I'll see you later." Kuzco cringed at himself as he grabbed his bag and pushed it on his shoulder higher.

Thor chuckled before crossing his arms. "Goodbye Kuzco, it was fun." Thor looked amused with himself as Kuzco opened the door slightly and slipped out of Thor's room, he rolled his eyes as he let the door click shut. He didn't know what time it was but he knew it was early because not many people were roaming the halls which meant that Kuzco would be safe enough to sneak to his room.

Kuzco tightened his hand on the bag as he walked through the halls, he was close to his room when someone bumped into him. "Gahh," Kuzco exclaimed, he knew he was going to be in trouble, but he let out a sigh of relief when it was just Topo. "Sire! We noticed you weren't in your room earlier and we were going to find you." Topo bowed at Kuzco who grimaced at the use of formalities. "I apologize, I just wanted to find a quiet place to read so I snuck out this morning." Kuzco lied shaking his bag to hopefully get the point across, Topo pressed his lips together but didn't say anything. He just tightly nodded and stepped aside. "We should get you back to your room, you have breakfast with the Allfather and his family and then you have some talks with him as well." Kuzco gulped as he nodded, he rolled his shoulders back as he walked back towards his quarters.

Ipi was stationed by the door, he looked at Kuzco in surprise when Topo led him to the door, but he stepped aside and Topo opened the door for him. "Thank you, apologizes for worrying you two." Kuzco apologized again before shutting the door when they nodded their heads, no doubt the knowledge of Kuzco's disappearance would get back to the elders and his father somehow which meant Kuzco had to be on his best behavior the rest of this trip despite his original plan to want to sabotage this. From now on he wasn't going to do anything bad, he was going to be the Emperor that the Elders wanted him to be.

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