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Kuzco ran his hands through his hair as he walked down the hallway of his palace, if his father saw him now Kuzco thinks

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Kuzco ran his hands through his hair as he walked down the hallway of his palace, if his father saw him now Kuzco thinks. Luckily Pacha is working on something, so he can't see how Kuzco is behaving un-emperor-like. "Emperor?" Kuzco frowns at the title but turns around to see Malina standing there with a slight smile on her face.

"Hello Malina, please call me Kuzco. Not Emperor yet." Kuzco winks. "Well sorry, but Emperor Pacha put in my programs to call you Emperor, but he also said to listen to you." Kuzco knew that if he didn't stop Malina now she would blow up because it wasn't the first that has happened to her. "Hey Malina, don't worry about it. What did you need?" Kuzco smiles at the robot, letting his hand rest on top of the top of his sword.

"Oh! Right, Emperor Pacha wanted you to come to his office. As soon as possible." Kuzco frowned but nodded. "Thank you, is that all?" Kuzco stopped walking when Malina did so she can remember if there was something else, she shook her head. She bowed which made Kuzco scrunched his nose up but before she could see he smiled, but it looked more like a grimace. "You better be glad it wasn't Dad that caught you," Chaca said behind Kuzco making him jump.

Kuzco placed a hand on his heart giving Chaca a dirty look. "You scared me, you always did have a knack for sneaking on people." Kuzco rolled his eyes and continued to walk towards their Dad's office. "You going to Dad's office?" Chaca asks walking beside Kuzco.

Kuzco nods and smiles at a palace worker as they walk past. "Yes, Malina told me that he wanted to see me." Kuzco waves to a group of kids who are playing ball in the palace courtyard. "Can I come?" Chaca asks for the first time since they started walking with each other.

Kuzco rolls his eyes and shrugs half-heartedly. "I mean you're already walking with me, aren't you? Wouldn't make much of a difference now."  Chaca shoves her brother playfully. "You're a dick." Kuzco turns around and sticks his tongue out at Chaca, just then the door to Pacha's office opens to show Kuzco and Chaca tussling with each other.

Pacha sighs and rubs his temples. "Children! Settle." Kuzco rolls his eyes while Chaca crosses her arms and blows a fallen hair away from her face. Kuzco bypassed Pacha who was talking to Chaca but Kuzco wanted some time to see his Mother.

Chica was beautiful, she was Kuzco's favorite person but she died. Natural causes the healers on Kuzconian told them, Kuzco couldn't believe it. "What's she telling you today?" Pacha teased as they walked in on Kuzco running his fingers on the raised pattern of her urn. "Telling me to run away." Kuzco dryly said sitting down in the chair in front of his Dad's desk.

Pacha chuckled as he leaned back in his chair slightly. "Alway's the joker you are. The gardeners tell me that when you aren't at the pub's you've been there." Kuzco sighs and rolls his eyes, he knew what his Dad was going to say, that's no place for an emperor.

"Those are no places for a soon-to-be emperor, son. You belong in the palace not in a pub no less a garden." This is when Kuzco wishes Chica was still alive, at least then she could calm Pacha down a little bit but ever since Chica died he's been worse, afraid that his son would become Emperor suddenly and Kuzco wouldn't be prepared. 

"I don't want to be Emperor Dad, those places make me happy. Don't you want that?" Kuzco knew he was playing dirty but it's the only way he knew how to play. Pacha rolled his eyes, glancing up to make sure the door was still closed before moving to the seat next to Kuzco. "Of course I want you happy son, but you are the next in line to be Emperor. The elders already don't like you because of the stunt you pulled last week."

Kuzco pouted like a child and crossed his arms. "It was one person Dad." Pacha gave him a look which made Kuzco sigh and correct himself. "Okay fine, it 3 people. It was an accident, how was I supposed to know they all were dating each other?" Kuzco pleaded but Pacha shook his head and got up to stand behind his desk.

"The point is, you are going to be the next Emperor as long as you do what I say and not piss off the elders anymore." Pacha looked at Kuzco seriously which had him nodding his head in understanding. The elders scared Kuzco, they were the only ones who can undermine the Emperor of Kuzconian. Being the Emperor literally ran in Kuzco's blood, so if the elders kicked him off of the throne then he would ruin the family name, well no one told him that but he knew that. "What do that Elders want me to do?" Kuzco asks.

Being nice to the Elders doesn't mean he's going to stop sleeping with people, he'll just do that in secret where the Elders don't know. "They want you to go to Prince Thor's Coronation on Asgard. They would like you to get him to sign a Peace Treaty with Kuzconian."

Kuzco rolled his eyes but nodded. "Okay, but I'm still not going to stop drinking and going to the gardens. I like that stuff, the drinking numbs my brain and the plants don't talk to me." Pacha rubs a hand over his face but eventually nods. "You have some time, but I'm gonna tell you. Don't mess this up, I will tell you this closer to when you leave as well but remember it."

Kuzco gasps feigning hurt and puts his hand on his chest. "You wound me." Kuzco stands up and flips his hair away from his face. "Where are you going?" Pacha asks not looking up from the documents that the Elders want Pacha to sign. "I'm going to drown my sorrows in mead."


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