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Kuzco was led down the Castle halls by Topo, he knew that he could've waved Topo off or even lost him but that would've caused both Topo and Kuzco to get in trouble by Pacha or worse, the Elders which Kuzco couldn't be bothered to deal with right ...

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Kuzco was led down the Castle halls by Topo, he knew that he could've waved Topo off or even lost him but that would've caused both Topo and Kuzco to get in trouble by Pacha or worse, the Elders which Kuzco couldn't be bothered to deal with right now so he allowed himself to be led toward the office of the current Emperor, an office that Kuzco realized would soon be his. The thought made him choke on his own spit, he coughed and when Topo paused and looked at him in concern Kuzco waved him off quickly. "I'm alright." Topo looked at Kuzco doubtfully and Kuzco knows that if they hadn't reached Pacha's office then Topo would ask more questions, instead he just reached out for the door and held it open for Kuzco who walked through the door.

"You wanted to see me." Kuzco clasps his hands in front of him as he stands in front of the door that is now shut behind him, Pacha looks up in a mix of surprise and delight at the sight of Kuzco. "Kuzco! Yes, have a seat." Pacha got up from the desk and started to walk towards the couch that was under the window, in front of a table with two drinks on it. "Chicha?" Pacha raises an eyebrow picking up his glass and nodding towards the other one. Kuzco nods before sitting down next to Pacha and grabs the other glass and takes a slow sip of the corn beer, he smiled as he tasted the sourness of the drink.

"So, I wanted to talk to you about something. My 60th birthday is coming up which you know means you'll be taking over soon. Well, I had a nice little meeting with Elder Yzma and she informed me that they would like you to get married so you will stop your affairs." Kuzco opened his mouth to protest but before he could Pacha held his hand up and Kuzco clamped his mouth shut. "I of course protested saying that is not how we do things, we do not have forced marriages. So, I came to a compromise. You will stop sleeping around, which as I have noticed after you came back from Asgard you have stopped doing. Am I wrong in that observation?" Pacha asks with a raised eyebrow, Kuzco could only blush before shaking his head.

This action causes Pacha to have a ghost of a smile which he hides by bringing his glass up to his lips and taking a sip. "You will have your choice of who you marry, regardless of gender or lack thereof. You do not need to worry if they can provide heirs, the Elder Yzma might come to you trying to say you need to find someone who can but the other Elders assure me that is not a concern. They just want you by the time you become Emperor to be betrothed, is that alright?"

Kuzco smiled brightly at Pacha before nodding quickly, he was good with this arrangement. It was true that he hadn't slept with anyone since Thor, he couldn't It just didn't feel right. "Thank you, and you're right. I did meet someone, but he's gone now. I don't know where he is, I don't even know if he's alive but I miss him even if we did know each other a short time." Kuzco didn't have to use names but he had a feeling Pacha knew anyway just by the look on his face, he reached over and grabbed his hand before squeezing it comfortingly. "If he is alive then he'll come back to you. I know it." Kuzco knew that Pacha didn't have all the answers but Pacha was smart so a part of Kuzco wanted to believe him. Especially when it came to Thor.

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