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Kuzco hasn't seen much of Asgard, just whatever he can see from his tiny window in his bedroom but he already hates it

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Kuzco hasn't seen much of Asgard, just whatever he can see from his tiny window in his bedroom but he already hates it. All he sees is how much the gold they have on the realm can feed Kuzco's people for decades, but no, they had to go and make a whole palace out of it.

Kuzco sighs before slowly loosening his tightened fist from anger, he had to calm down or he will give a bad impression as soon as he steps off the ship. Which is something he doesn't want to do. "Hey, the pilot told me to tell you to gather your stuff. We will be landing soon." The guard said to Kuzco who nodded. "Thanks." He mumbled and watched as the guard nodded and shut the door behind him.

He opens the bedside drawer and puts his journal along with the ink and quill on top of his bed before bending down and reaching under his bed to grab his bag. He opened it and let out a sigh of relief when he saw the Asgardian Book sitting in the bag untouched. He placed his journal in there before wiping off his quill and letting it drop into the bag, Kuzco bits his lip on the side of his mouth before grabbing the ink and tightening the jar as tight as he can get it before sending a quick pray to the gods and gently laces it into the bag, hopefully, the ink wouldn't shatter and ruin everything.

Kuzco puts the bag on his shoulder before walking out towards the cockpit and sitting area and sits down next to the guard and straps himself into the seat, he knows that landing is going to be bumpy. "Is everyone ready?" The pilot asks. "Yes," Kuzco says voice wavering slightly and he grips onto the seat taking a deep breath as the pilot starts to take them lower and lower towards the ground, they bounce up as the pilot lands. "Here we are, wasn't so bad right?" The pilot turns back towards the guard and Kuzco with a smile on his face. "It was fine." Kuzco huffs which tapers into a slight chuckle as he unstraps himself.

The pilot nods satisfied before pressing a button above him and the ramp goes down, Kuzco wasn't expecting anything so he was surprised when he saw two people standing near the pathway that leads them to the landing zone. "Is my stuff going to get off the plane alright?" Kuzco asks the guard turning towards him. "Yea, I'll get some people to get it. Don't worry Ipi, the pilot plans on staying on the ship." Kuzco looks at the guard and Ipi with worry before he quickly smiles and gestures for the guard the follow him down the ramp.

"Hello, welcome to the Asgardian Realm. I'm Queen Frigga, King Odin is waiting in the throne room and I am to give my deepest apologies but Thor Odinson could not make it, he had to do some last-minute things before the coronation and this is Loki, our other child, heir to the throne. It is an honor to have the soon-to-be emperor on Asgard." Kuzco liked Frigga immediately, she reminded him of his own mother. "Nice to meet you, both of you." Kuzco grabbed Frigga's hand gently and kissed it before doing the same to Loki who smirked. "I like him already Mum," Loki said quietly but Kuzco heard it.

"Shush, would you like someone to take your bag?" Frigga asks nodding towards the bag that Kuzco had on his shoulder. "Uh, no thank you." Loki frowned at Kuzco but nodded. "Allfather is expecting you," Loki said motioning towards the path, Kuzco quickly nodded and gestured for his guard to follow him as they walked towards the palace.

Kuzco was surprised that no one tried to come up to him or any of the family while they were walking, but no one did. "Here we are, Allfather would prefer if you guard stays out here." Loki glances at the guard who looks ready to protest but Kuzco gives a slight shake of the head. "I'll be fine Topo." The guard, Topo looks at Kuzco surprised before putting his hands together looking at the ground, Kuzco nods satisfied and Frigga pushes the giant gold door open gesturing for Kuzco to walk through it.

He can't help but jump when the giant door closes and the loud sound echoes throughout the room. "Hello, Kuzco of Kuzconian Realm. I must admit when your Elders reached out I was hesitant to like a Kuzconian onto Asgard but when I heard it was regarding peace I knew I had to check it out for myself. Make no mistake, if you sabotage this trip in any way this will be the end of Asgard and Kuzconian relations." Odin's voice boomed loudly making Kuzco grit his teeth so he doesn't jump in shock. "Understood, I'm glad to be here," Kuzco says with a faux smile and bows.

"Now that the formalities are out of the way, we have a dinner going on over in the dinner hall in your honor tonight. It would be delightful if you could make it." Odin smiles but it didn't seem like a real smile but Kuzco nodded anyway. "That sounds amazing, would it be possible to go to my room first? Just to freshen up and put my stuff down." Kuzco asks holding on to his bag tighter.

Odin sighs but nods. "I'll send someone for you to show you your chambers." Odin waves his hand which Kuzco glances at a guard standing to his right who looks at him quickly nodding towards the door so Kuzco guesses that's his invitation to leave, he bows at Odin one last time before walking towards the door quickly.

Kuzco opens the door and lets out a sigh of relief, before facing Topo to tell him all about when an Asgardian points to another entrance to the palace and starts to walk gesturing for Kuzco and Topo to follow them which they do. "Here is your chambers Emperor Kuzco." The Asgardian says when they reach a door, they open the door and Kuzco has to hold in the gasp. He turns around quickly to say his thanks when he was met with a closed door, they don't seem to be very friendly around here Kuzco thinks before taking a seat on the bed.


Kuzco wakes up slowly with a smile on his face, he stretches his arms above his head but his hands hit a headboard. His room doesn't have a headboard as tall as his arms Kuzco thinks, this isn't his room. His eyes snap open, Kuzco looks around panicked he grows more panicked when he sees blonde hair on the pillow beside his head, that's the last thing he needs Kuzco thinks, a scandal on Asgard.

Kuzco gnaws on his lip nervously before reaching out a finger and pokes the man on the cheek carefully, the man reaches a clumsy hand up and bats it away before groaning awake. "Who are you?" Kuzco asks voice wavering. "I'm Thor Odinson, Prince of Asgard." The blonde-haired man mumbles voice still coated with sleep.

"Mother F-"

"Mother F-"

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Chapter 10 which is the final chapter in part 1, which means Emperor's New Groove is now put on hold.
Don't worry though, it will be back either when I finish a story or another part is put on hold as well :)

Before you yell at me, yes you will see how Kuzco ends up in Thor's bed ;)

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