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Today was a busy day for Kuzco, between fittings for his coronation which was coming up very soon to tending to his garden and making runs of supplies that people have ordered from Healer Ocllo, due to the influx of illness she was having trouble ...

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Today was a busy day for Kuzco, between fittings for his coronation which was coming up very soon to tending to his garden and making runs of supplies that people have ordered from Healer Ocllo, due to the influx of illness she was having trouble getting what they requested to them so when Kuzco was made aware of the issue he jumped on the chance when he started to learn from Healer Ocllo he promised Pacha that he wouldn't let it interfere with his other duties but now that he's older he realizes he would like to do this as long as he can.

He racked a hand threw his sweaty hair to get it out of his face, he knew that if the Elder Yzma saw him today he would be in a load of trouble, luckily he had his fitting earlier this morning or he would be yelled at by the stylists for being dirty and sweaty. A sweat bead dripped from his hair, suddenly he was tapped on the shoulder, He turned around to see Ipi standing him. "Emperor Kuzco, Emperor Pacha has requested an audience with you." Kuzco's brows rose and he looked confused for a second before placing the tools he was using down. He dusted the clay off his hands and turned to face Ipi.

"Did he tell you what for?" Kuzco didn't wait for his response he just started to walk down the path to where the palace is knowing that he would follow. "He did not Emperor, although I did not ask, he just said it was urgent."  Kuzo hummed wondering what could be so urgent, he didn't hear any alarms going off nor did he hear any knowledge of someone coming and attacking them, so it must be something else.

He became more puzzled when he saw Chaca standing outside of their Father's office. "Do you know what's going on?" Kuzco asks Chaca pausing to talk to her before he steps inside the room. "Yes, he wants to explain and then he'll have someone show you but I wanted to stay to see you because I missed you but nothing is wrong. I see it on your face that you think something is." Chaca grabbed Kuzco's hand and squeezed it briefly before turning to the direction of her quarters, despite Chaca telling him it wasn't anything bad and something wasn't wrong Kuzco couldn't help but think that.

Kuzco foregoed manners instead he swung Pacha's door open quickly and fast. Pacha didn't look up from where he was hunched over his desk filling out paperwork. "Have a seat Kuzco." Pacha twisted his inked quill in between his fingers and looked up to meet his son's eye once he sat down in front of him. "Ipi told me that you requested my presence?" Kuzco raised an eyebrow before smoothing his hand over his manicured beard.

Pacha nodded before grabbing a folded-up map that was placed on the edge of his desk, he stood up, and when Kuzco was about to follow Pacha's lead he held up a hand to stop him. Pacha moved everything that would be in the way, out of it before unfolding the map.

Without being told Kuzco landed forward and took a look at it, he could tell that it was one of their farmer's land but Kuzco didn't understand why that was required. "Before you say anything, let me tell you everything."

Kuzco nodded and leaned back into the chair letting his hands fall into his lap clasping them together. "This morning I was notified by a guard that a farmer tried to get into the palace guards, they detained him and they got him to talk. The farmer wanted help because something burned his crops, he doesn't know what it was but all he knows is that early in the hours he heard a crash but didn't think anything of it. Until he went to tend to his crops, and this is where you come in, I want you to travel to this farm and check it out. I'm sending Ipi and Topo with you so you're protected enough, I'm trusting you with this." Pacha folded the map before handing it to Kuzco who took it quickly.

"Thank you, but you know just one guard would be enough, right?" Kuzco tries with a slight smile that turned into a grimace when Pacha shook his head declining Kuzco's plea. "It's either both or I'll give this to someone else, when you become Emperor soon you'll have to delegate these tasks to other people, especially if you want the Elder's not to be in power anymore."

Kuzco raised his eyes in surprise before looking at Pacha with hesitancy, Kuzco hasn't told anyone about his plan to abolish the elders once he's in power, to make it more fair for everyone in Kuzconian, and fair for him. "Don't look shocked, I figured that was on your list of things to do and even though you don't need my permission, I think it's a good idea. Now, go see what's going on at the farm."

Pacha nodded at Kuzco who smiled and stood up, he bowed slightly at Pacha before turning around and opening the door, Ipi who was standing by the door straightened his back and looked at Kuzco waiting for his next orders. "The Emperor is sending me to check out a farm because it seems to have had a disturbance, but I have to take you and Topo, so where is Topo so we can get going." Ipi pressed his lips together before nodding slightly. "If I'm remembering correctly Topo was put in charge of patrolling the palace grounds so we should take a look around."

Kuzco nodded in understanding and followed Ipi to where he thought Topo was, if they didn't find him soon, well let's just hope Pacha wouldn't be too mad if Kuzco only took Ipi.

Kuzco nodded in understanding and followed Ipi to where he thought Topo was, if they didn't find him soon, well let's just hope Pacha wouldn't be too mad if Kuzco only took Ipi

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